Chapter 1 - My New Tutor

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Stuart was walking down his stairs, ready to show his mom his report card. He had been preparing for a few hours, hyping himself up. He passed the report card to his mother with a shaky hand and a fake smile.

She opened up the report card slowly, shooting glares at Stuart. He was already starting to work up a sweat. He started rubbing the back of his head from his anxiousness. She looked at all the grades slowly.

Still looking at the paper full of F's she said, "You're getting a tutor! That's final!" Stuart started biting his nails from fear, "N-no mom pl-please!" He silently pleaded beneath his breath.

She tossed the now useless paper into the trash. She walked away sassily showing that she didn't care about Stuart's pleads. Stuart sighed angrily and pissed off. He went sluggishly to the couch and turned on the TV.

He laid on the couch about to fall asleep and right when he felt himself drifting off to rest. His mother walked in right at his brink of sleep. "Go take a shower. Your tutor is coming over for dinner to get to know you." Stuart opened his eyes clearly annoyed. "O-Okay." He stood up and ran past his mother to the bathroom upstairs.

Stuart grabbed the soap and slathered it all over his lanky, thin body. When he finished washing his blue hair, he walked out of the shower. He grabbed his black robe and tied it around his body. He looked into the mirror.

He instantly frowned from the sight of his vibrant blue hair and black eyes. In 3rd grade, a kid threw a dumpster right at his eyes. Ever since then he has always had black eyes from some medical term with an 8 ball fracture. Anyways, that didn't matter anymore since that was almost 9 years ago.

Stuart then heard a doorbell ring from downstairs. "Stuart come down here!" His mother yelled from below impatiently. Stuart wasn't even dressed, so he fucking freaked out. Since he can't think correctly in some situations, he just slipped on some grey pants, put on some striped black and white socks. Then he ran down the stairs.

Before his mother could turn around and see that he had no shirt on. She told them to introduce themselves. The man at the front of the door had an upside-down cross tattoo. Stuart shook the man's hand. "The names Murdoc Niccals." Stuart smiled widely, showing his missing front teeth. "My names Stuart."


I walked into the house of the kid that I was supposed to tutor. His house was pretty big, nice furniture, big rooms, and not to mention that this kid was pretty hot too. After me and this kid named Stuart's introduction. His mother looked at Stuart and noticed that he had no shirt. I chuckled as I watched him get lectured.

This was gonna be fun.

Mr. Niccals My New Tutor (2doc)Where stories live. Discover now