Chapter Two

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"So this is your room boys catya"

I just wanted to get away from those boys and plus this wig is really itchy. Do you even understand, it's literally a whole heap of strands of dead bleached hair on top of my head, it's sticky and plasticky and I'm really surprised it stays on properly. But I wouldn't trade my double life for the world!

"Don't you want to come and yah know hang with us"

-Ashton pleads

"I'm fine go have fun"

-I reply as I walk up to the elevator up and scan my card to go up to the penthouse.

I call up the restaurant and place my order leaving it under Stephanie Murray I then remove my wig and take off my make up and get into something more me and more Comfy - grey sweatpants and a loose fitting black top, I slide on my uggies and go down for some food.

I walk past the lobby to see a few of my fans waiting.. I nearly wove at them until I realised I'm not Perrie I'm Stephanie.

It can get confusing sometimes okay!

When I walk into the restaurant I see the last four people I want to see.. Those idiots everyone obsesses over. I still don't understand why.

I mean Calum and Luke are pretty cute, and they can sing but really is that what the music industry is all about? I mean Michael is an amazing guy who I grew fond of - well he was my best friend - but like everyone they always go back to where they come from, which of course is Ashton.. And no words would ever fathom how much hatred I have toward the boy who made my high school years a living hell, from day one he never let me forget that I was the unpopular fat nerd and boy I wish he knew who I was now. But I guess it's a matter of time, right?

I fight the urge to let out an over dramatic sigh.

Great they are right near where I get my order.

"Miss what can I get you?"


"I'm sorry what was that?"

Well great that got the boys attention

"Order under Stephanie Murray god damit"

-I scream, startling the over excessive waitress with golden locks and beautiful, beautiful clothes.. How can one girl working in a hotel have such amazing dress sense, let alone who isn't she wearing uniform? Argh who even knows.

"Stephanie Murray is that really you wow puberty did you good?" Ashton remarks

Oh and the day he sees me is now.

Funny how I was wishing he would ..

"Oh great my day keeps getting better and better"


"good to see you found your voice Michael and that you easily broke your promise"

"I can explain"

"What promise Michael?"

-Calum comments

"It doesn't matter Calum"

"Oh but it does Michael"

-I reply before I start crying I grab my food of the guy and run.


This is like high school all over again running through the school red paint all over.

• flash back •

"Hey hey hey slow down there tiger"

"What do you want didn't you see the show"

"I came to make sure you were alright"


"Ashton has a tendency to take things to far"

Michael hands me a towel

"Come on I'll take you home"

"I can't my mum is home"

"Well no ones at mine you can get cleaned up at there?"

"Oh ok" I stated as I start to wipe my face with the towel he gave me

We ended up at his he handed me a pair of his green boxers, trackies and his Jack Daniels tshirt.

"Showers on the first left"

"Thankyou Michael"

As I'm walking and admiring the house that the one and only Michael Clifford lives in, I couldn't help but admire all of his old family photos, school photos and photos from back in the day of innocence, before high school, before drama, before being drenched in red paint as a practical joke.

I slip off my now destroyed clothes. The anger bubbles inside me but as soon I step into the shower I become more relaxed.

It took at least 20 minutes to get all the paint off me.

I quickly put on the clothes with my bra that managed not to get paint all over them otherwise asking Michael for a bra could be a tad awkward. Can you imagine, "hey my bra, uh I need a bra.."

I found my way back to Michael and before I even spoke he giggles and says

"Looking good Steph"

And for what seems like hours Michael and I were just chatting and enjoying each others presence.

"Why do you hang out with them when you hate them"

"I can't explain that but what I can promise you is that I am now your bestfriend and that I am no longer going to hang out with those assholes!


The elevator door nearly closes when Michael foot appears, he pries open the elevator door and forces his way inside again with his cheesy saying that got me the first time -

"hold up tiger" he giggles


"Come on Steph lighten up"

"You promised Michael, you promised me twice"

"We all grew up Steph we are not the same dicks from high school"

"I'll believe that when I see that"

"Look I want you to forgive me so tomorrow we are playing a show take this and if you give me a chance I'll make it up to you but if you don't show up I will leave you alone forever"

I look down at his hand were a backstage passes to my show.

I take it out of his hand and smile.

"What floor"

"Pen-7" shit nearly gave that away

The elevator stops and I get out

"I promise I'll make it up to you Steph"

Yeah so far it's not working mate because now I have to walk up a few flights of stairs and get into another elevator to the penthouse.



How am I going to meet Michael when I'm ment to be performing and be apart of that meet and greet.

I'm in deep shit. I guess now it's my turn to lie!

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