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You ever had those feelings when you're too loud in quiet places and everyone judges you for being you? Yeah, totally unrelatable but I was feeling just that.

My friends were looking around instead of helping me out and the one person I didn't want to face after what I said was staring me down with the most beautiful, amused smile.

Yelp. I should just dig a hole and stay there.

"Uh..what?" I managed to squeak out after what felt like hours. Real smooth, Kaira.

Ronan chuckled and looked back at me again, causing my breath to hitch. I should go back to biology class and learn how breathing works to be honest. I could not breathe right now.

"You have a crush on me. Incase you forgot." He reminded me of something I was so painfully aware of.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. Why couldn't I talk when I was the most talkative? God! I just had to be speechless today out of all the days.

"About that...ha ha...it's just a tiny, weeny, micro sized, maybe a little more, peanut sized maybe, oh not too big, peanuts are bigger, haha, maybe a rice grain? Yeah a rice grain-"

"Oh for the love of god!" Ethan interrupted me and I silently thanked him for his contribution in preventing me to embarrass myself furthur. He was my true frien- "this idiotic bitch has the biggest crush on you since middle school and has been pining on you since then. Now you noticed her and she's being weird but ignore that and please get together. Jesus Christ!"

I officially remove Ethan Lynch from my small group of friends. That traitor!

Ronan seemed to be in shock or surprise because he was looking at Ethan for a few moments after he spewed all that about me.

"It's not true!" I tried to deny it. I could see Amayah rolling her eyes but she didn't say anything. Now, she was a true friend. "I really have a micro-size crush on you. He's exaggerating." I laughed awkwardly while glaring at Ethan who just flipped me off and leaned against my table, facing Ronan at my back.

"Look here Ronan boy. This is Kaira, your neighbour and you might have known this but she really likes you. If you ignore her weird personality and over the top antics, she is really a great girl. As far as my sources tell me, you don't have a girlfriend so why not try it out with her? One date will be fine and then you can decide."

I glared at my best friend. What the hell was he going on about? Now I was more embarrassed. As if Ronan Astor would agree on a date with me. I was anticipating his answer and was hoping he'd say yes but who was I kidding? This is Ronan we're talking about. He'd never agree to go out with a girl like m-


"Wait what?" I asked, turning a full 90° to look at a smiling Ronan.

"I said okay? Let's go on a date."

"Wait wait wait. Hold up. Stop right there. I didn't prepare for you to say yes." I laughed but stopped when I saw his confused face. "Wait. Are you serious?"

"Yeah. Besides I need to talk to you about something." He said nervously, glancing between my friends and me. Okay now I was curious about this something. Even Amayah and Ethan looked confused but they didn't comment on it.

The teacher entered, making us turn towards the front quickly but my heart won't stop pounding like crazy. I was almost sure the others could hear just how hard and loud it was pounding. I felt all giddy and happy inside. I was going on a date with Ronan Astor. This day couldn't have gotten any better.

A paper ball came flying on my desk a few minutes later and I opened it curiously only for my heartbeat to skyrocket.

"I'll pick you up today at 6. ;) Be ready."

I smiled and lowered my head a little to hide my growing blush. This was really a dream. I wonder how a date with my crush would turn out to be. Probably dream like and beautiful.

"So are you ready or are you ready?" Cole's voice rang through my phone as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing black ripped jeans, a black crop top and a white cardigan over it. I put minimal makeup and left my brown hair as it was. Cute.

"I'm done.  I'm done." I replied, going towards my bed and putting on my black ankle boots. 

"Jesus. A girl does take too long to get ready." He commented and I could feel the rolling of his eyes.

"Don't your girlfriends take time to get ready? You should be used to it." I remarked back, frowning a little. Of course I was going to take time. It was a date with my crush after all. Everything needed to be perfect.

"For the last time Jones, I don't keep girlfriends. If it's for dates, I tell them the time and they arrive there. On time. I never knew the process." He defended himself and I smiled a little. He was so cute.

"Fine fine. Your playboy life bores me. Well, now you know. It's sad how your girls wanted everything to be perfect and yet you go around breaking their expectant hearts." I teased a little.

He was silent for a while making me rethink what I said. Did he get mad?

"You know what, enjoy your date. I'm out to get food."

I sighed, contemplating if I should apologize but the thing was, I didn't know what I did wrong. Cole was never the kind of person to open up so I didn't really know what went down in his life. I was such a terrible friend.

"Okay." I said a little downheartedly. Even if I didn't want to admit, I wanted to talk a little bit more with him. It was always pleasant and fun to talk to him.

"Hey." He said after a few seconds of silence.


"You look cute. Go show your charming side to the dude." He said and I grinned widely.

"You don't even know how I'm dressed up as." I said and quickly took a picture to send it to him.

"Well it's just a-" he paused, probably seeing my picture. "Damn. I told you, you look cute."

"Gee thanks. Anyways I'll call you later to tell you how it went. See you!" I said and quickly hung up the call.

I felt weird when he complimented me. Maybe I was just nervous.

I walked out of my room and happily glided towards the front door. Kale had gone out to his girlfriend so I didn't have to hear him nag at me for this date. Sometimes I thanked Sasha for times like this.

As soon as I walked out of the front door, Ronan's car stopped in our driveway. It was a black Cadillac and it was just as beautiful as the owner. I walked towards the car as he got out and greeted me with a smile.

"You look nice." He commented, softly pecking my cheek. It felt hesitant but my stomach and mind was in such havoc and chaos that I ignored it. My mind was just repeating one thing. Ronan Astor kissed me! It didn't matter if it was on the cheek ! He took the initiative and kissed me!

He opened the door to the passenger seat for me and I comfortably settled in. I sighed dreamily. He was such a gentleman.

"So I was thinking McDonalds. Nothing fancy. Is it alright?" He asked once he settled on the driver's seat and started the car.

"It's fine. I'm hungry anyways." I laughed awkwardly.

McDonalds was fine but why did I feel a little down? Was I expecting something different? No. McDonalds was fine. It was fine.

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