Chapter 2

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"Holy shit Nat!" I screamed at her. I pinched myself multiple times all over my arms just to make sure I hadn't fallen asleep in the quick car ride downtown.

"What?! Alaina are you okay? What's wrong?" she worriedly asked me. I could tell my the expression on her face that she was scared and somewhat angry at me for yelling in the car, but this was too exciting, unrealistic, like a dream... 

"NAT IS THAT 5SOS?" I barely even managed to finish my question. Before I knew it I was unbuckling my seatbelt and stepping out of the car onto backed up highway. I could hear Natalie yelling at me to get back in the car but I couldn't. My adrenaline was taking over my body and before I knew it i was sprinting across the highway full of parked cars and over to where the my thoughts got the best of me.  

As I was running I was praying that what I saw was real, because if not I would be in so much more trouble than I already knew I was currently in. I was lost in my thoughts of what I was going to say to them. I couldn't just say "hi" because that's ordinary and everybody says it. I needed something clever. Before I knew it I was having a full conversation in my head.

Oblivious to the world, my conscious yelled at me, "ALAINA STOP. You need to slow down and wipe your forehead, because you are too sweaty to even consider talking to them."

"Oh shit" I quietly mumbled to myself as I was starting to slow down into a small jog and then a fast walk. I wiped everything on my face that appeared to be dripping in sweat with my shirt sleeve. I was really hoping my make-up didn't run, so I would be the least bit presentable. 

Eventually I slowed down to a normal paced walk and took out my phone. The first thing I did was get on my camera and flipped it to the front camera, so I could check how I looked. Luckily you could barely tell I was sweating as much as I was. My crystal blue eyes are darker and my cheeks appeared much rosier than usual and that was a great thing, it brought a lot more color to my face. See I will gladly admit that I am not the tannest person out there, quite frankly I would much rather choose to eat mint Oreos and watch Netflix in bed than go outside to a pool and tan any day.   

Finally I reached to the large group of girls surrounding what I assumed to be 5sos. There were only about 30 girls, so it was fairly easy to make my way to the front. As I was pushing through the group I noticed some girls were crying and all of them were screaming at the top of their lungs. They made it almost impossible for anyone not to develop a headache at the screeching sound. 

I reached the front of the group and I was right. It was 5sos! I couldn't believe how close I was to one of my favorite bands. Again I pinched myself to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. I was too busy staring to remember I was still pinching myself. I winced a little when I took my nails out of my now bleeding arm. 

"Oh my god. You've got to be kidding me." I said in an annoyed tone to myself.

"Whats wrong? Are you okay?" asked a vaguely familiar voice. I couldn't see the face at first but I already knew who it belonged to before I turned around to be face to face with Michael Clifford.

All I was thinking was don't mess this up Alaina.

"I-Im" I stuttered. Dammit Alaina."Wait what was the question again?" I asked completely mortified.

"Haha you're funny. What's your name? I'm Michael." he simply replied like my reaction wasn't the dumbest thing ever.

"I'm Alaina" I stated with a cheeky smile. Dang, if I thought my cheeks were rosy earlier, they must've looked like straight up strawberries now from the all of the embarrassment I just caused myself.

I was still in complete awh when I realized Michael was still talking to me. I quickly tuned out my thoughts and tuned into his voice. "So Alaina, have you met the other guys? Unfortunately Calum isn't here today, because he isn't feeling too well. So hopefully he isn't your favorite." he informed me.

I let out a weak laugh to show him I was still listening. "He isn't my favorite, but I still hope he feels better soon" I told him.

"Me too. Speaking of favorites, who is yours?" Michael asked me. I was about to answer confidently, but then I realized I've never really thought about who was my favorite. I've always thought Luke was the most attractive but now that I'm actually having a regular conversation with Michael, I really don't know.

So I answer truthfully, "I have no idea, I like all of you." He just looked at me and smiled. I looked around and realized all the other girls left, besides me and two others that were begging Michael for a picture. Of course he told them he would love to get a picture with them, so I just walked over to the curb and sat down. I was sitting by myself and closed my eyes. I was just taking in the pure silence and thinking about everything that has happened so far today.

When I opened my eyes I realized there was a much larger shadow towering over me. I didn't think much of it, probably just Michael. That's when I heard his voice and knew I was defiantly mistaken.

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