Chapter Thirty

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Creeping silently to stand near Sang's bed, I leaned down to make a psst sound, but before the hissing could fully roll off of my tongue, Sang had already awoken and was staring blearily up at me. I blinked, caught by surprise. "Wow, you're good."

Looking adorably confused, she croaked back in a sleepy tone, "Did you need something?"

"Time to get dressed. A few of the guys want to show you something," I responded in a low voice. The others were tucked away, fast asleep in their threadbare blankets, and dealing with a freshly awoken North was not on my to-do list. I took a moment to admire Sang's beautiful face, puffy with sleep, before giving her some privacy to change.

Outside, the stars and the moon hung from the sky and casted the Academy grounds in a soft glow. The air was cool against my skin and I cursed myself for not bringing a cloak to shield from the biting breeze. There was one thing I didn't forget, though. Something I could never forget. I stuck a hand in the pocket of my trousers and brandished a chocolaty good that was stolen from the kitchens earlier in the day.

I undid the wrapping and broke the chocolate chip cookie in half before offering Sang the other piece. A sly smile crossed her lips, and after letting her mischievous eyes do a quick sweep of the area, she took it from my hand. "Where exactly are you taking me?" She asked after taking a small bite from the cookie.

"I can't tell you. It's a secret." My grin was conspiratorial and unrestrained. Sneaking around in the middle of the night, breaking the rules, was my fondest activity. The adrenaline pumping through my veins always made me feel more alive. I expected her to argue, perhaps turn around and stalk back to her warm bed, but all she did was nod and continue along silently. 

Her steps on top of the dry grass were sure and silent. It seemed she was just as practiced as myself when it came to the art of sneaking. Maybe even more so. 

A girl after my own heart.

Once we reached the main building, which stood proud and tall and covered in stone, I led us through the door using a key that shouldn't have been in my possession. The corridors were quiet, giving no hints that there were any other occupants. "Be silent and follow closely," I told her, not that I needed to.

Sang replied with a salute before strolling closely to the wall to blend in with the shadows. She embraced the darkness, which accepted her with wide open arms. A few twists and turns later, we were descending through a stairwell which had said at the entrance, 'authorized persons only: no students allowed'. Of course I ignored it, as did Sang.

I knew I liked her.

Our destination took a long time to reach. It was hidden behind several closed doors and looming staircases, and if it weren't for my ability to find all things hidden, my team would have never gained access. Once we entered through the heavy oak doors, I took a deep breath in. The air held a familiar old musty smell, but that didn't stop the excited grin that bloomed across Sang's face. She was delighted.

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