Chapter Seven

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As my eyes adjusted to the blinding light shining through the uncovered window above my bed, I stretched out my sore limbs to wake myself up. Based on the sun's position high up in the clouds, I realized that I slept in far later than usual. Who could've blamed me though? Yesterday was unpleasant, so a well rested night without a nightmare was well deserved.

I thought back to the words exchanged between my mother and I the previous night and instantly felt a severe amount of hatred bubble up in my chest.

I'm not your real mother, you're just a bastard born who came from one of your father's whores.

You're an ugly little harlot just like your mother was.

You killed her the day she gave birth to you. How does that make you feel? 

With unshed tears prickling my eyes, I stood up on shaky legs and began packing my things. I couldn't stay in the cottage any longer knowing that I had lived a lie my entire life and took care of a woman who despised me. For so long, I held onto hope that because of being family, I'd some day gain their love, but I realized now that would never happen.

I started by going through my chest and picked out as many outfits possible and threw them into my bag. I didn't bother folding them. It wasn't as if I had much in the first place so I ended up picking out the newest looking pieces with the least amount of stains and tears. Next, I moved on to my large assortments of throwing knives and other weapons that I made over the years. I refused to leave them knowing how precious they were to me.

Once I began packing some books, I finally let the tears gathering in the corner of my eyes spill free. I'd allow myself this one fleeting moment to cry for the family I never had before I got on with my life.

"It's okay, Little One." Gideon's presence in my consciousness made itself known.

I felt a small smile appear on my face despite the tears. "No it's not, but it will be."

During last night's fight, I felt his boiling hot fury toward my mother. When she first laid a hand on me, I had to plead with him not to come swooping through the village to destroy everything in his way, including the woman who raised me. I felt disgusted with myself knowing that the thought actually sounded appealing to me.

"Not disgusting. She deserves." Gideon mumbled in his deep, rumbling voice.

I let out a breathy chuckle and continued packing my books. "You just want something to kill, dragon. Are you running out of wraiths already?"

"Close but no." He chuckled darkly and sent me multiple mental pictures of all the hunting he had done. One picture was of him scaling a large boulder while he snuck up on a group of wraiths lounging on the other side. Let's just say that at the end, not one made it out alive, and Gideon's stomach was left completely satisfied.

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