The Earth Fairy

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Growing up more or less on their own, the three sisters had to cook for themselves, they had to keep the little house tidy, and they had to look after the garden. It wasn't easy. Each of them lived in her own little world.

Karimba reacted to everything she felt. She was always lashing out at her sisters, and she made everyone feel guilty.

Maraka told the others everything she heard. She became very bossy. She had a loud voice, and she made everyone feel scared.

Okarina believed everything she saw, but she didn't dare tell her sisters. She was scared they would lash out or shout at her. She was a quiet and timid little girl, and she made everyone feel embarrassed.

One day, while the sisters were in the vegetable garden, fighting over what to pick for lunch, the Earth Fairy came to them out of the blue. She touched Karimba lightly with her wings, she whispered into Maraka's ear and flitted past Okarina's eyes.

The three girls noticed her all at the same time. They forgot about lunch and got very excited about the visit of the fairy. For once, all three of them agreed with each other.

"You must learn to work together," said the Earth Fairy in a no-nonsense tone. "If you can't work together, you will all die."

These words gave the three sisters a huge fright. Karimba became hysterical, her whole body trembled. Maraka started to scream, and Okarina burst into tears.

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