The Fire

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The three sisters did what the Earth Fairy had told them to do, and it changed their life. From now on they were not only listening to flowers and vegetables, caterpillars and crickets, the old beech and the pebbles in the pond, they also started listening to each other.

They were watching nature and learning from each other. At the same time, they also started seeing themselves better. The more they could see themselves and hear each other, the more they felt for their sisters. They were no longer scared of each other, and their love grew.

One day, a big fire broke out in the forest near the village where the sisters lived. At first, the fire was only very small, and it wasn't dangerous, but Karimba could immediately feel the change in temperature.

"There is a fire in the forest," she said to her sisters. "I can feel a wind picking up. It can turn it into a big fire. It can soon be here. We better leave and run to somewhere safe."

As soon as Maraka heard her sister's warning she ran outside and started shouting, "FIRE! FIRE! LEAVE NOW! RUN!"

Okarina could see which road out of the village looked the safest, and the three girls ran as fast as they could out of the house, out of the village, and into safety. All villagers followed them, even though they could not yet see any flames, or hear the crackling of the fire, or feel the heat.

Every house in the village burnt down. If they had waited any longer, or if they had quarrelled about which road to take, they would have all died.

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