Chapter 13: What's She Like?

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A few thing going on.

1. Is anybody enjoying this story? I loved it and couldn't wait to share it but I'm not sure anyone is enjoying it.

2. I'm leaving for California (yay going home) on Wednesday and not sure if I'll remember to post while I'm gone so I'm posting now and then maybe again tomorrow if I have time.

3. I need suggestions for new Camren stories. If u know some good ones let me know please and thank you :)

A man's true character comes out when he's drunk" - Charlie Chaplin


Camila was fuming as she made her way through the house. She was angry at Carrie for accusing her, angry at herself for taking the bait, and even angry at Lauren for going off with some floozy. Wasn't Lauren her date?

She spotted Lucy and Carson in a corner of a room, and walked over. "Hey, I'm ready to go. Have you seen Lauren or Craig?"

Carson looked relieved, and Julie answered, "Craig went looking for Carrie, but I haven't seen Lauren. Carson is ready to go too. This shit just isn't his scene."

"Okay. Carrie was out on the balcony about fifteen minutes ago. If you guys go round up Craig and Carrie, I'll find Lauren and meet you downstairs."


Camila headed off again, choosing a random direction that seemed to have the most people milling about. Just as she was trying to make her way through a group of people, a hand shot out from the group and grabbed her arm. When she turned, she saw David Myers smiling up at her.

"Hi Gorgeous! I think you guys have a deal. Your lead singer is gonna be a big star. She's got charisma, she's got sex appeal, and she's got a badass attitude. We could really market her alone if we wanted to."

Camila clamped down on her cheek to keep from responding with a nasty retort, and instead put a smile on that didn't make it to her eyes, "Yes, she's certainly all those things. Have you seen her by any chance?"

"Oh no, honey, you gotta be smarter than that in this business."

She looked at him and folded her arms. He wasn't putting her in a better mood. "What do you mean by that?" she snapped.

"You have that jealous look. Lead singers have huge egos. Especially ones that look like that. She's not worth it, you know. " He smiled, his tone sounding compassionate and not cruel, but Camila wasn't going to quibble over his misreading of the situation; he was the man holding their future in his hands.

Instead, she said the first thing that came to her mind, "Yes, actually she is." And then she touched his arm as she began stepping away, "Excuse me, won't you? I really do need to find her."

"Of course girl. We'll talk tomorrow with that bulldog you call a lawyer. And good luck with Lauren Jauregui 'cause you're gonna need it!"

Camila smiled tightly a final time before making her way down the hall again, ending her search when she saw Lauren's leather-clad back as she was clearly making out with the girl from earlier. Dammit.


A growl came from the singer and without turning around, she hissed, "I'm busy."

"I noticed." Camila couldn't make herself watch the intimate scene and looked up at the ceiling instead. "We're leaving. Are you coming?"

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