Chapter 20: Superhero's Kryptonite

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The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it" - Oscar Wilde


Camila woke to a familiar yet foreign scent, deliciously sore muscles, and a warm body curled around her back. As she stretched slightly, the arm tucked around her tightened as her bedmate moved to snuggle closer, the other girl's breath fluttering the little hairs at the back of Camila's neck.

The gentle way Lauren was cradling her contrasted sharply with the violent passion they had shared during the night. Camila had never experienced anything like that before, and she realized for the first time what the term insatiable really meant. She had taken and given in equal measure, and every time she thought she was spent, she would simply look at Lauren, and her desire would flare up red hot again. Last night it hadn't mattered how they began or how it would end, the only thing that mattered was that she was there in the moment, and she reveled in every breath, every gasp, every cry of pleasure she shared with Lauren.

She took Lauren's hand in hers and kissed the knuckles, noting how her lips felt swollen and sensitive. "Good morning," she said, her eyes fluttering closed again as images of Lauren rearing up underneath her swam in her memory.

The body behind her tensed, and she heard the quick intake of breath as Lauren awoke fully.


Lauren inhaled the scent of the hair beneath her nose. It smelled sweaty and sleepy, and she loved it.

"Mmmm. Good morning," she whispered into the locks.

"Good morning to you, baby." Carrie turned over and kissed Lauren's lips. "I'm surprised you're awake already after last night."

Lauren laughed and kissed her again, "I didn't want to miss any time with you," she smiled and began kissing Carrie in earnest just as Carrie's phone rang. Lauren groaned, "Don't answer that."

Carrie reached over to the nightstand and looked at the caller ID. "It's my mom. Be quiet."

Lauren rolled her eyes. Carrie hadn't told her parents about their relationship yet, but she promised she would soon. "I have to ease them into the idea," Carrie had said about her conservative parents. Lauren thought six months was plenty of time for easing, but she allowed Carrie to do what she thought was best.

"Hi Mom... No, I'm just waking up..."

As Carrie talked, Lauren became restless and got up to scrounge for breakfast. Padding naked into their apartment's kitchen, Lauren ducked her head into the fridge and pulled out a jug. Dang! How old is this?

"Carrie?! When did you buy this milk?" Lauren called. When there was no answer, she put the milk back on the shelf and took out some orange juice instead. She had just finished pouring herself a glass when Carrie stalked out, anger clear in each of her jerky movements.

"What the fuck, Lauren? I was talking to my mom!"

Lauren shrugged, "So? She knows we live together right? What's the big deal?"

"No, she doesn't," Carrie argued as she pulled up her blonde curls into a ponytail. "I can't tell her I live with you because she knows you're gay. She would start asking questions. Jesus, Lauren. Sometimes you can be so dumb."


Lauren banished the old memory to focus on the situation she was now living. Camila was in her bed, in her arms, naked and soft and warm.

Things could be worse, Lauren thought. Like you could start getting attached to this- Jesus fuck!

"I- uhh- I gotta go do a few things." Lauren knew it was a lame excuse, but she had to get out of there. Fast. She forced herself to pull away from Camila and get out of bed. As she crossed the room and began rifling through her dresser for clothes, she didn't make eye contact as she said, "Feel free to stay as long as you want."

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