Chapter 19: Making Things Personal

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Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence."- William Blake


"I'm gonna miss you times a million," Dinah said as she hugged Camila.

They were in Camila's apartment. Leaning by the door were her bags, packed for the last trip she would need to make to California for a while. She just had to set up the tour dates and make the final preparations before sending the band on their debut album tour, and then she would be free. "I'll miss you too, but then I'll be back for good."

"Are you sure I can't take you to the airport?"

Camila shook her head, "No, Lauren said she would have the cab swing by and pick me up."

"Okay," Dinah put her lip out in a mock pout, "But if Lauren flakes, call me. I'll be at the office because Ally made some new business cards that I need to pick up. They have Serendipity's logo on them." Dinah grinned then, "This is so cool! Okay. I gotta go." With one final hug, Dinah walked out the door and down the stairs, calling up a few moments later, "Your cab is here!"

Camila took a deep breath and picked up her suitcases, locked her door, and began the descent. When she was halfway down, Lauren appeared in the doorway below and began bounding up the stairs, taking two at a time.

"Here, let me help with those," Lauren said as she held out her hands.

"Oh, it's okay, I've got them."

"I'm helping," Lauren replied stubbornly as she reached behind Camila to pick up one of her bags.

Camila sucked in a breath as Lauren's arm snaked around her waist and she quickly moved to increase the space between them. "Thanks," she mumbled as she followed Lauren down and then into the cab.

"Hey! You like music or what?" the cab driver called over his shoulder as he began to search for a radio station after he pulled away from the curb.

Lauren chuckled wryly and winked at Camila, "Sure. Just put on whatever you want."

The cabby nodded and stopped on a pop station.

"... you're hearing it first on 101.1!" the radio DJ finished just as Serendipity's song began to play.

"Fuck me," Lauren said, her words coming out in a whoosh of air as she stared blankly ahead of her. When she looked over to Camila, a bright smile began to make its way across her face. "Our song is on the radio."

"Yeah, your song is on the radio." Camila nodded in agreement, her eyes shining as she returned the smile.

"Holy shit!" Lauren exclaimed and then tugged Camila into a jubilant hug, the elation of the moment overwhelming. This was what she had been waiting for, dreaming of, working toward, and now the moment was here and she was sharing it with Camila, feeling her arms tighten around her shoulders in support. It was surreal and wonderful and scary all at once. Lauren laughed and pulled back to look at Camila, at the proud look on her face. "Thank you," she said humbly. "We couldn't have done this without you."

They were so close; the little back seat suddenly felt intimate as Camila's body heat invaded Lauren's space. Lauren quickly moved back towards the door then, feeling the line she had drawn becoming muddied as she held Camila's gaze.


"Hi gorgeous. Sit down. Let's talk." David Myers was leaning back in his chair, his hands over his girth. He was behind a mammoth desk in an opulent office done in white with red accents. Everything about him was big, including his personality. "How's our favorite singing sensation?"

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