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i have't been on here inna while lmaoo, my b

someone been keeping be busy. she know who she is. 

enjoy loves.


Diana's POV

Here we go with this bullshit.

Can't even go to school in peace.

Sometimes now I wish Trish ain't say shit.

"Hey. Gayana." Keisha and her bum ass crew says coming up to me.

It was around lunch, and I'm surprised I made it. Ever since this morning nobody would even look at my ass or say hey.

Bitch what's so damn wrong with liking a chick,shit.

I mug her and look at Amanda. She look the most guilty.

"Bye the fuck." I say attempting to make my way around them, but failed.

"Opp. Where you going? Scared to talk to us girls? I thought you like to fuck em'." She says snickering.

Okay, but when I wipe yo ass across this floor you won't be snickering.

"Dang now you won't talk either?" She nods her head before continuing, "I knew we shouldn't have been friends, you never know you could've tried to rape me for all you care-"

I cut the bitch off by throwing kool-aid in her face and on her clothes.

I hate that shit, bitches wanna be bold until some shit actually happens.

"OMG! W-T-F!" Rakeisha says screaming trying to grab out for one of her friends.

I simply smile before going into my next class.

"Amanda!? Fucking help. Me!" 

"It's artificial just like them fake ass tiddies ya mama bought." I yelled walking around them.

There were people taking pictures, yelling 'ouuuu damn', 'she got da ass' and more.

I knew she would come back for more, but at this point I didn't really care. 

I walk into my next class and sit in the back. I do the assignment on the board and once I was done I just looked through my phone seeing I had a text from my dad.

'Ms. Washington should be at the house by now. Be there to give and tell her the in and outs of the house. Love you.'

I looked over at the time and realized I could go home since I didn't have anymore classes today.

I walk out the classroom and wave goodbye to Ms.Paak, my teacher and made my way outside. 

Before I could get out the door Amanda stopped me. 

"She won't stop." She says shaking her head. 

"The fuck you talking about." I said rolling my eyes. 

I looks at me with this worried expression and just walk away. 

I shake any thoughts out my head and head outside. 

Walking int he direction to my car, I feel a pair of eyes on me so I turn around. 

 I turn around to be faced with a football player, Anthony.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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