Part 14 ~ I Want You

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A/N: I'm trying to slowly get back into writing so this may be worse than all the other parts, I hope you still stick along. Enjoy! 💜

The atmosphere seemed to loosen up gradually as the night went on. Maybe the alcohol was partly helping with that, but the athletes themselves were very careful with that as they knew the season had only just begun and they still had a long way to go. Some of them, like Richi, didn't drink at all besides a glass of champagne which they got offered in the beginning. Maja and Lena, didn't have that issue. They had a great reason to celebrate, so why would they pass on having some free alcohol.

Most of the ski jumpers were busy being absolute dorks and having a ridiculous dance off in the middle of the dancefloor. Meanwhile the two girls were sat down, still gushing over the beautiful diamond ring which was perfectly sitting on Lena's finger.

"I can't believe it! You're really going to get married." Maja smiled widely at her best friend.

"Well... If he continues dancing like that, I think I might have to change my mind," Lena joked, looking at her boyfriend with a scrunched up face which made Maja laugh.

"Let him have his last moments of fun," the brunette chuckled into her glass, before sipping on the liquid.

Lena partly ignored Maja's comment and she looked over at the green eyed girl. "And what about you? Are you having fun?" The blonde girl questioned.

"Me? Well ever since I got more alcohol, I'm happy." The brunette jokingly winked at Lena. "No, but seriously... I'm feeling better. In the beginning I felt like Richi was ignoring me a bit, but I think-,"

"I don't want to bring this up again, but you do realise that for almost the whole time we have been sat here, just the two of us, you've been staring at Andi?" Lena asked quietly, interrupting Maja, a teasing smile playing on the blonde's face. "Even when talking about Richard just now," the blonde added.

"Perhaps I should stop with the alcohol then, because I've been trying not to look at him the whole night... I was sure I was doing a good job of it." Maja laughed. Lena joined in and held her fingers to her temples as if her best friend was giving her the worst headache. "Come on, you know I like Richi. At least I think so..." Maja frowned, tilting her head to the side as she tried to gather her thoughts, which was kind of difficult at this point in time.

"You think? Well, I think Richard is just a safe option and you know he likes you so you don't want to hurt him, but you're actually slightly leading him on because you have strong feelings for Andi and ignoring them will only get you into trouble," Lena rambled on, making it hard for Maja to even keep up. To the blonde's surprise, Maja just began laughing.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt you. Maja, I have to drive my parents back to their hotel because my mum isn't feeling well and I don't want them waiting for a taxi for god knows how long," Richard informed, pressing a kiss to the top of Maja's head.

"Wait, is she okay? I'll come with you." Maja got up, searching for her jacket, but Richi gently pushed her back down onto the chair.

"It's fine. You stay and continue having fun, I'll come back later to Markus' and Lena's afterparty," the brunet assured before disappearing after giving the two girls a small smile.

Lena and Markus decided to have a small afterparty at their house, just for the closest few friends. For the boys it would be an opportunity to just hang out together and have a small drink while the girls were mostly up for just getting drunk at this point, without so many people being able to witness it.

It was only an hour after Richard left that the dinner party ended and most of the guests began to head their own separate ways. Thankfully, Lena's and Markus' house wasn't too far away from the venue so they could easily just take a walk there.

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