= TWO =

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"I'm not lying, Jiminie-hyung!" Cried Taehyung as he displayed a pout upon his face. He crossed his arms and stood there as Jimin stared him from head to toe. He snickered and turned to his other friends, Kai and Taeyang.

"Of course you are! No one would ever believe your lies." exclaimed Jimin. "We all know you're just a poor farmer boy."

"How pathetic." sniggered Kai. "What a joke."



fter a couple of weeks, Taehyung woke up from his slumber. His eyes fluttered open, blinded by the bright whiteness of his surroundings. The machine that was his body was rusty and weak, and he couldn't do much to get the cogs working again, so he remained in a position where he wasn't exactly lying down, but where he was elevated, and he squinted his eyes as they were still not used to the brightness of the environment he was in.

"Where am I..?" He groaned, his voice deep and husky. He lifted an arm to cover his face and gave out a weak sigh when he felt warm waves washing over his body. A whimper escaped his pale lips as he felt his lips curl into a frown when he tried to move his legs. It felt like they weren't there, though they clearly were present. They were numb. Probably the consequences of taking too many pills.

His uncovered his eyes and they unknowingly travelled across the room. The place was littered with balloons both old and new, which he could tell by the amount of helium left in the foil (or elastic) thing, shaped in many different forms or sizes, and cards scribbled with messy handwriting or neat cursive that elegantly fit the page paired with presents wrapped in gift wrap, decorated with ribbons and bows or placed in simple gift bag, stapled or taped together or simply left open wide. However, amongst all the colours and presents, the room also contained machines and monitors that even he couldn't recognise despite the many documentaries he'd watched about surgery and operation on the television. Soon, he noticed that he was a part of these machines and monitors that surrounded the bed he was lying in. His hands found their way to his face, where he felt a breathing tube on his nose.

But for some reason, despite being covered by blankets, Taehyung couldn't help but feel so cold.

It was all so obvious now. He was in the hospital.

His eyes found their way to a whiteboard that was located just above the headboard of his bed, displaying his name, his age, the date of his birth and the date of his death, which had confused him just a bit.

Then, he heard two gasps coming from the doorway of his room. He quickly turned his head and saw two surprised males looking in awe at the boy who'd just woken up from deep slumber. Weakly, the boy greeted his friends. His words only came out as a hoarse whisper until he felt arms wrap around his thin, pale body.

"Taehyung!" they both cried, hugging the latter tighter. After all of the cold he had felt, this was the only warmth he had received in a very long time. He smiled fondly at the two and sure enough, tears of happiness escaped his eyes.

"I'm back." he cried silently, attempting to embrace his two friends. His arms wrapped around the two bodies that had engulfed him in a hug.

"We're glad you're back, Tae.", Namjoon mumbled, pulling away from the hug. He wiped his tears and pulled two chairs up (which he had found in the corner of the room) to the bed for both him and his acquaintance, Yoongi. Surprisingly, the supposed cold and heartless male was the last to pull away, surprising Taehyung. He had always assumed this delinquent, who always started fights and skipped class often, didn't care. After all, they had never properly met, but now, there he was hugging the life out of him. His smile only grew wider as the other sat down, sniffling and sticking a lollipop in his mouth.

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