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"I'm surprised that we're allowed to visit despite visiting hours being over." Namjoon told Taehyung as they calmly played a game of Twenty-One.

"Nurse Lisa made sure to make an exception for you guys since she knows how lonely I can get sometimes." Taehyung replied, "I'll have another card, Yoongi-hyung."

"Gotcha." said Yoongi as he slid a card towards Taehyung. "Now, if you don't mind me asking Tae- why the fuck is he here?" Yoongi asked, subtly gazing at Jimin (and maybe Jungkook).

"Aish- let him be, Yoongi-hyung." the younger told him. "Alright, it's time to reveal our cards Namjoonie."

Namjoon nodded and flipped over his card, revealing the number two. At the same time, Taehyung flipped his card, revealing the number six.

"Looks like I win!" Taehyung cheered, "A perfect Twenty-One. Better luck next time Joonie~"

"God, you're too good at this game." Namjoon sighed as he tidied away the cards. "Are you phsycic or something?"

"You're just a sore loser hyung." teased Taehyung.

Namjoon rolled his eyes in response and tucked his pack of cards away into the backpocket of his jeans. That was the third time he'd lost to Taehyung, and he'd lost his bragging rights. Instead, Taehyung was the one celebrating victory, and even though Namjoon was disheartened at the idea of a loss, his heart was lifted at the sight of Taehyung's smile. It had been a while since he saw Taehyung smile so brightly, and it was a change from the flirtatious attitude that he put on when he was at school.

"Should we start, then?" Namjoon asked, leaning back in his seat. "I've got a really good story to tell. Maybe one of you will piss your pants."

"I'd love to see that from a certain individual." Yoongi mumbled, staring directly at Jimin, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Then you can start, Namjoon-hyung. Let's see if your story really can make people pee their pants, just like you had claimed." Taehyung giggled as he gave Yoongi a slap on the arm.

"Alright then." smiled Namjoon. "There was once a couple, they were happy together. Adrien and Nathan lived in perfect harmony. The only problem was that Nathan loved music and decided to pursue it as a career, but in doing so, he had to say a hard goodbye to Adrien, who granted Nathan permission to pursue his dream. As time passed, Nathan became overwhelmingly popular, and with fame and riches came scandals, and it was reported on the news that Nathan had slept with a girl and got her pregnant. Adrien was furious, he wanted to stomp right up to his face and yell meaningless profanities, but it's not like he could. Nathan probably forgot about him, so Adrien lost sight of everything. He gave up. He isolated himself from society and became depressed.

A few days later, Nathan came home. He was sure that Adrien saw everything on the news, and after several attempts of trying to contact Adrien, he decided to fly home for a while and sort things out face to face. The moment he had stepped into the apartment that he and Adrien shared, an icy blast hit him and a shock was sent throughout his body. He cringed at how messy the place was, and how bad it smelled, but he ignored it and called out: "Adrien? It's me- Nathan. Look, I came to talk about all that shit on the news. Just- where are you?"

But Nathan recieved no response. He went to check the bedroom, where he found Adrien hunched up in a corner with one of his old sweaters bawling his eyes out.

"Adrien?" Nathan called out, reaching out his hand to touch his lover. When his hand made contact with Adrien's skin, he was taken back by how cold Adrien was. Adrien kept crying, ignoring Nathan's presence. Nathan persevered and tried to talk to Adrien, but it was no use. He was ignored, and Nathan decided to try again tomorrow.

On his way out, Nathan came across the landlady who managed the apartment complex. She gave him a look of shock, before her face shifted into one filled with sympathy.

"Oh dearie, you must've heard the news. I'm sorry. Did you come to collect memorabilia?" she asked him.

"What do you mean? Memorabilia?" Nathan was confused. He didn't know what was going on.

"Oh. I thought you knew."

"Knew what? I just came to visit Adrien. Did something happen?"

"You see, dear." the landlady sighed, hesitating to tell Nathan the news. "Adrien was found dead two days ago. He was found in a ditch. He also left this. I'm sorry for your loss, dear. I know how dear he was to you."

The landlady gave Nathan a sealed letter and gave him a supportive pat on the shoulder before walking away. But Nathan was more confused than ever. He had just seen Adrien in the apartment. So he raced back up to the apartment, and when he opened the door, the first thing that greet him was Adrien's lifeless face. In place of his eyes were two black voids, and blood poured from his head and his neck. Nathan could only stare in horror as Adrien closed the gap between them, and he felt terrified as he felt Adrien plant his icy cold lips on his. Then, Adrien leaned in closer next to Nathan's ear.

"You're mine now." is the last thing Nathan heard before the apartment door slammed shut in front of him."

As Namjoon finished his story, he looked at his audience only to see Jimin shaking slightly and Taehyung clinging onto Yoongi for dear life.

"So, did any of you piss your pants?" Namjoon asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Jimin raised his hand, still shaking in his seat. "I think I did..."

"That story was kind of sad..." Jin spoke, frowning to himself. "The poor guy died thinking that the one he loved forgot about him. He died feeling like nothing."

Jungkook nodded at Jin's statement. "I agree with Jin-hyung. I feel bad for that Adrien guy."

"I liked the way you interpreted the spirit of Adrien." Taehyung complimented, loosening his grip on Yoongi. "It's like, he's cold because he doesn't have a body to radiate warmth. But he's also quite scary. When you said that Adrien lost sight of everything, he literally lost sight of everything. That's why his eyes are two black voids."

Yoongi grunted, crossing his arms. "It was good, I guess. I bet I could do better though."

And so, the night continued. The boys had a sleepover in Taehyung's hospital room, and told stories until they slept.

That night, Jungkook swore he could still feel Taehyung's lips on his.

Namjoon's little story was actually inspired by one of my favourite songs by 'Glass Animals' called 'The Other Side of Paradise'. Here's the video if you want to listen to it!

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