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how the fuck do y'all comment that quick wtf is this witchcraft teach me pls

also i sWEAR the taekook moments are coming soon i promise pls this is just part of the plot i love y'all really

Park Jimin had been wondering since last night's text exchange with Taehyung why he wanted Hoseok in order to be able to talk with him. So throughout the school day, he was bumping into people, lockers, people with food, more lockers, and more people. Despite the nasty looks he would get, his mind was fixed on the deal he made with Taehyung before he logged off.

What were his intentions?

Then when he made it to class and sat down in his seat without Hoseok's presence next to him for yet another day, ignoring the icy glares that sent daggers seeking his heart in a box for what he had done, stuffing the mean notes into his backpack and blocking out the spiteful whispers that he would so faintly hear. Jimin was used to this, he was used to the hate he began to recieve on a regular basis, and he had to admit that he deserved it. He deserved all of it for all of the things he did to Taehyung that drove him to end things.


jibooty has changed their username to chimchiminey

please answer when
you see this, i need to
ask you something

kookie has logged on.

what is it

thank fuck for your
fast responses istg
anyway can you please
tell me what taehyung's
room number is in
hospital? i can't

are you going to visit him?

i want to spend some
time with him so i can try
and mend things between
us. i've reflected upon
what i've done and it made
me realise that i deserve all
of the shit i get at school, it's
all my fault taehyung is like this
and i want to take the chance
he gave me to redeem myself


i realised how fucking
pathetic i was, and i want
to change. i want to be a
better friend to taehyung
i was never really a friend
all those years, i was just
a toxic little bitch and i want
to fucking burn myself in fire
after looking back on what
i've done

its not entirely your fault
we all contributed towards
tae's situation in some way
what about hoseok?

i haven't talked to him since
the day we visited the hospital
and he hasn't been to school


anyway, what's his room number

just ask miss lisa at the desk

why cant you just tell me

kookie has logged off.

for fucks sake

chimchiminey has logged off.


"Don't you think that the others will find you weird?" Taehyung asked Yoongi, who in return shook his head.

"Like I said before: fuck what they think. This is about you, Tae."

"Jesus Yoongi-hyung. You can make a dead man blush!" Taehyung joked, scratching the back of his head whilst he averted his gaze.

"I make dead men blush all the time."

"Whatever." pouted Taehyung as he crossed his arms.


The cake costed him quite a bit, but it was worth it if he was going to make things right with Taehyung. Their friendship was never stable, he had to admit that. It was toxic, filled with complete lies and hatred. That's what Jimin hated. He hated that he wasn't a better friend. He hated how he let himself do these things. Jimin accepted the fact that he was a total ass and he accepted every single insult that was thrown his way, but he saw those insults as nothing but a mere obstacle that got in his way of his true goal: mending things with Taehyung. He was blinded by the sparkle of the trophy and deafened by the loud roaring cheers, but with all of those taken away from him leaving him in last place, alone in the dark, Jimin pushed himself to catch up to the others. He wasn't going to let this delinquent, Min Yoongi, steal away his best friend.

Or perhaps, it was better that way.

For once, Jimin stopped running the race. He stopped dead in his tracks to think.

Was there any point?

His ex-best friend was swept off his feet and carried to the finish line. Meanwhile, he was left with no partner to help him. His supposed partner left him to fight for himself, and Jimin felt the need to give up.

But then, what would be the point of buying the cake? Of apologising? Of trying to make things right?

So Jimin started to run again, he ran past those who looked down upon him and even though he didn't place first, he definitely didn't place last place.

Jimin was running a race to capture Taehyung's friendship once again, but this time he would cherish it, like he should have from the very beginning.

So carefully, with the cake, he jogged to the hospital and when he had arrived, demanding Taehyung's current ward and room number, he was sweating his ass off. This was a race, and Jimin's opponent was Min Yoongi himself, the very delinquent that decided to swoop in and take Taehyung's affection all to himself.

After a couple of minutes of waiting, Jimin rushed to the ward and saw Nurse Lisa at the front desk like Jungkook had said over text, and she looked at him with a face that held recognition, and she stood and took him to Taehyung's room, leaving Jimin right outside the door as she left to return to her post at the front desk.

He reached for the door handle ever so slowly...

But his ears captured the faint sound of a hoarse voice talking on the other side of the door.

"...need to tell them, Taehyung." the voice, which Jimin had recognised as Yoongi's, said. "You can't keep going on like this."

"I need to, hyung." Taehyung had replied, "This is my last chance. This all part of the plan: there are two Jokers, you see? And out of the two, i'm one of them."


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