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"Please open your textbooks to page one hundred and thirty," the teacher said, writing the page number on the whiteboard at the front of the class. "then read up until paragraph six and complete the task as said in the your textbook."

Class went on like this for nearly an hour until the bell rang, signalling the end of their period of learning, and Jungkook couldn't be any happier as he stuffed his his textbook into his backpack and shoved all of his pens into some random jacket pocket. Then, with nothing holding him back, he rushed out of the classroom and into the cafeteria where he saw some of his hyungs at a table.

"Guys!" Jungkook yelled, waving his arm.

"Jungkookie! Over here!" Jin yelled back, smiling widely at the appearance of the younger male.

Jungkook jogged towards the table and once he arrived he sat down opposite of Jin and Namjoon.

"Yoongi's just gone to get his lunch. How was class?" Namjoon said as he took out his packed lunch.

"The teacher was god-awful again. He made us do tons of work in one hour, and if we didn't get it done we would be getting detention- I didn't want to spend an hour after school in that boring ass classroom when I could spend an hour after school with all of you in Taehyung's hospital room. Speaking of which- I've got some work for him from the teacher."

"Oh. Well, today's going to be the same, so you have the chance to give it to him and-"

"Give what to Taehyung?" Yoongi growled as he came up from behind Jungkook, placing a hand with a deathly grip on his shoulder. "You better not be planning anything. I swear to god-"

"Aish. Yoongi, no need to be so overprotective. It's just some work that Jungkook needs to give to our little Taehyungie." Jin responded, "Sit down and eat so we can go to the tree at the back of the school."

And with that, they all ate their dinners quicker than usual. Yoongi left the cafeteria sucking on a lollipop, Jungkook left looking like he came fresh out of idol school, Jin left looking like a mother trying to keep the two attention-grabbing boys on a leash and Namjoon was there helping him (of course, still looking fabulous like the others despite the helter-skelter chaos that often manages to unravel whenever he's around).

"Jin-hyung!" a high pitched voice squealed, catching the attention of said individual. "Wait up!"

"Wha- oh!"

Namjoon looked over his shoulder to see a girl hugging Jin. He felt himself go red in jealousy, but when he noticed the girl's familiar face, he felt his fiery jealousy die down. It was Hoseok's sister, and despite not having talked much before unless it was an important occasion, they still liked her company nontheless unlike her brother and his best friend, Park Jimin.

"You're Hoseok's sister, right? I believe we've only met a couple of times...but what brings you here?" Jin asked, smiling gently at the girl who stood before him.

"I want to apologise for my stupid brother's behaviour. He took things way out of hand and...and-"

"You don't need to apologise for him. Besides, he should be apologising to Taehyung, not us."

"Oh! Taehyung! How is he doing?" she asked, her small face forming a frown.

"He's doing okay." responded Jin, smiling reassuringly. "I promise. Taehyung is doing just fine."


"Taehyung..." Nurse Lisa mumbled in concern as she watched the young teen clutch his head in pain. "You know you can't do this any longer. You have to stop. You have to let them go, Taehyung."

"I can't, Nurse Lisa!" cried Taehyung, "I need revenge. It's all their fault I'm like this. I need this. This is my only chance and if I don't grab this once chance, it'll all go to waste. I'll be fine. I just have to wait for a bit longer."

"If you say so..." Nurse Lisa sighed in response. She looked at the White Lillies that were in a glass vase by the window and noticed their lack of life. She walked towards it and took it into her hands, and as she looked back at the younger she saw him staring at the flowers intensely, and it sent literal shivers up her spine.

"I'm just going to put more water in the vase, Taehyung." she explained, smiling softly at him, ignoring the sympathetic feeling that grew in the pit of her stomach. "I'm not going to throw them away, I swear. I know how much you like these flowers."

"Thank you, Nurse Lisa." Taehyung whispered as he laid down in his bed to rest.

Lisa looked down at the bed where Taehyung would sleep, and she smiled sadly to herself before leaving the room, not without muttering under her breath: "You can just call me Lisa."


"Took you a while, Jin-hyung!" Jungkook said, punching the older's arm playfully. "That sure was one long talk."

"Yeah...uh, I have some questions to ask you guys about Taehyung."

"Sure, shoot." Namjoon replied, quickly slapping his hand over Yoongi's mouth before he could protest.

"It's about his family." Jin said, his voice filled with curiosity. "Hoseok's sister was telling me that the fire that kindled between Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung all started because of his family. Do any of you know anything about it or...?"

"Actually," Namjoon started, thinking back to a couple of months prior to the incident that occurred in school. "Way before the fight broke out between them in the hallways, they had an argument on the topic of Taehyung's family. I was there when it happened, and it was also when I met Yoongi. Jimin was calling Taehyung a liar again, blah blah blah, but it was regarding his mother's position as a business woman. I heard from Taehyung that Jimin and his previous friend, 'Kai' I think was his name, always picked on him when they were younger and it's continued up until this day. Anyway, apparently Taehyung's family are actually farmers and do not have any relations to business whatsoever, but I don't know much so I can't really say much at all."

"Farmers..?" Jin pondered, thinking to himself. A brief moment of silence entered the atmosphere between the group of four, and it wasn't until Yoongi bit on Namjoon's hand that the awkward silence that filled the air was replaced by the painful screams of Namjoon and the plentiful protests created by Yoongi.

"No way are you gonna do this shit! We can't go behind Taehyung's back and dig around his private life and stuff- that shit ain't good in my fucking book." he growled, almost like a grumpy cat somewhere in an alleyway. "Right Namjoon? This shit's wrong! You agree, right?"

"I gotta say, Yoongs..." Namjoon started, turning to face his friend with a still-pained expression plastered on his face off when he was bit. "I think we should learn more about Taehyung- how can we be friends with him when we hardly know anything about him?"

"I agree with Namjoon-hyung." Jungkook spoke, siding with the two older males. "He was never really open with us before the situation and kept quiet about his life at home. The only person who knows Taehyung to some extent is Namjoon-hyung. What I mean is Taehyung seems to be more open to Namjoon-hyung than any of us. I think we should learn more about Taehyung so we can understand him better."

"Yah! Jungkook-" Yoongi was about to yell at the younger before he was cut off by Jin.

"That makes sense...but if we're going to learn more about Taehyung, how are we going to do it?" Jin questioned.

"Well, there's one person who I know who's been childhood friends with Taehyung." Jungkook replied, his voice growing into a groan at the end. "And that person is in the school building as we speak."

"You don't mean..?" Jin quietly gasped, shaking his head.

"Yep. None other than the infamous Park Jimin himself."

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