730 35 10

A/N: The majority of you chose not to kill the Bad Joker. :)

Also, I'm seeing some good ass theories and assumptions in the comments. I dropped a few hints in this chapter too ;))


After a couple of days had passed since Jimin had made the desicion to spare the Bad Joker's life, and to ultimately allow the Good Joker to kill himself to save his family from the evil that he may have brought if he had followed the path of cold blooded murder. Taehyung took interest in this of course, and after a while of small talk they shared the cake amongst theirselves before Jimin had to leave.

Fortunately, on this day, Yoongi had caught a cold and decided to stay home, and Jungkook decided to take the opportunity to hang around Taehyung without the older male's protective aura stalking him down. So Jungkook bought some Panda Express, one of Taehyung's favourite foods, and he travelled to the hospital to hang out with said individual.

Jungkook waved 'Hi' to Nurse Lisa as he passed by the desk and he made his way to Taehyung's room which was farther down the hallway. Before entering, he knocked on the door, and when he heard a quiet response, he smiled softly.

"Hello Taehyung." Jungkook greeted, facing the other male. "I came to visit today since Yoongi-hyung said he wasn't feeling well. I figured I'd keep you company."

"Oh- that's okay. Yoongi-hyung was planning to play a game of Twenty-One today, but you know-"

"Yeah, heard he caught a pretty nasty cold. Anyway, I brought some Panda Express. I know how it's your favourite."

"Thank you Jungkookie!" Taehyung giggled, fussing around with a pack of playing cards as he sat in his bed.

Jungkook grabbed a nearvy seat and sat himself down at Taehyung's side. He placed the Panda Express on the bedside table and he looked fondly at the other male.

It's been a long time since they hung out like this, without having to worry about the world that they lived on. It was just the two of them in their own little quiet place, and it felt nice. Yes, it was silent, but it was a comfortable silence, and Taehyung felt a familiar warmth arising in his chest. It was the same warmth that he felt before he decided to do what he had done; that feeling of butterflies in your stomach whenever your crush looked at you, and in Taehyung's case these butterflies were causing a storm in his poor stomach, it was almost too much for him to handle.

"So- uh- how's life in hospital going?" Jungkook asked, hoping to spark a conversation.

"Nurse Lisa told me that I can be discharged soon. They're going to run a few exams and tests and they're going to keep an eye on me before I go." Taehyung replied, a sad look forming upon his face. "But I want to stay. I like it here. Nurse Lisa is really nice, and this room is really peaceful. I wish I could stay longer."

"I'm sure Nurse Lisa will miss you too Taehyung. Maybe you can ask for her contact information so you can keep in touch."

"Yeah. That's...a good idea." Taehyung replied hesitantly, his gaze still focused on the pack of playing cards he had in his hands.

"Hey, Kookie?"


"Do you believe in me?" Taehyung asked, his voice growing smaller with every word he said. "I know it's a stupid question-"

"Of course I do, Taehyung." Jungkook swiftly replied, taking Taehyung's hands into his.  He shivered at how cold Taehyung was, but shrugged it off to the side. "Listen to me when I say this: you're important to me. Of course I believe in you. What kind of question is that?"

"It's just-" Taehyung sighed, "It's just because I have problems, okay? I need to know."

"Kim Taehyung, look at me." Jungkook said with a dead serious voice, his gaze locking onto the other.

Taehyung gulped, feeling the other's grasp on his hands tighten slightly. His eyes were locked onto Jungkook's icy gaze, and he felt as though he was trapped in some sort of trance.

"Taehyung, I swear on my life I believe in you. Just let me prove it." Jungkook told Taehyung.

Taehyung felt like he was going to melt. Jungkook's words, Jungkook's voice- it was so silky and smooth, and his words could mean anything. So he sighed and nodded at Jungkook's request to prove himself.

"Fine. Prove it. How do I know you believe in me?"


At first, Taehyung was confused. He didn't know what Jungkook was talking about, not until he felt a warmth on his lips. The feeling was incredible, yet it felt so wrong, but Taehyung was captivated by how soft Jungkook's kiss was, and it wasn't until Jungkook pulled away that Taehyung had realised what the kiss had meant.

"I'll see you tomorrow Tae." Jungkook smiled as he let go of Taehyung's hands. He stood and walked towards the door, smirking at Taehyung's response to the short yet incredibly sweet kiss. "I think I've proved myself, don't you think so too?" was what Jungkook said before he left, leaving a shocked Taehyung who was still registering what had happened moments before Jungkook left.

As Jungkook walked home however, there was one this that was playing on a loop in his head. Yes, it was the kiss, but what dumbfounded him was how cold Taehyung's lips were. It was as if he was kissing a block of ice, and he never knew Taehyung to have such low body heat even when he was sick.

But Jungkook shrugged it off again, just like he did when he felt the icy shockwave that was sent through his body when he made contact with Taehyung's cold skin, and he smugly thought to himself, thinking that he had successfully captured the attention of the sickly boy.

What Jungkook didn't know was thay Taehyung called Yoongi shortly after what had happened, and boy was Yoongi mad.


love y'all

also, black lives matter. periodt.

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