Deceivible Endowment

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The room is left silent again until I hear a noise from the doorknob as it wiggles seconds before it opens. I whip my head in the direction of the door, which is still shut.

In the tiny window I see the ceiling light shine on top of someone's golden hair and in seconds I throw the blankets off of me and run to the door, thinking it's Sonja. I feel very weak as I make my way over to the door, my fingers turn the lock of silver. I take a step back for her to open the door and wait for her to sneak in.

She whips through the door and closes it behind her as fast as my eyes can catch up. They scan the incoming surprise. "Good to see you're up and looking well," Sonja looks at me and puts her arm around me to guide me to the bed. "So the reason I'm here is because I need you to take the pill in this hour and it's mandatory that you do."

Both her hands are on my shoulders, I narrow my eyes at the ground as my eyes follow up to her with no less tension in my eyes. I swing my shoulders back which loses her gain on my position. I extremely hate it when people feel the need to touch me when I'm in a vulnerable state.

"Why?" I growl. "You already told me it's my choice."

"It won't work unless you take it straight after the surgery," she replies with my answer with a scruffy tone. "So if you don't want to live, should I just go?"

"I want to live but I don't want to take this damn pill now and for the rest of my life!" I snap at her, my throat is dry and raspy.

"You have to take it," she makes each word sound clearer than the first. "You have to stop worrying about what's to come and start living in the now."

"Of course, it all comes down to this." I mumble under my breath avoiding my eyes from looking at her because I'm ashamed for some reason. Maybe it's the tears that sometimes likes to follow alongside my waterline, I dislike having this uncontrollable unpleasantness. All along, maybe my life was meant to come down to this and I just wasn't supposed to exist at all.

You know the damn choices, pick the right one; I tell myself.

"I know what you're thinking, but I have been studying you for years," she pauses. "Don't take this in a weird way, it was my job at one point. I have always seen so much potential in you that when I found out what they planned on doing to the Uncovered, I would not allow it. Yet I never once quit on what would solve their horrible destruction of all humankind," she pauses for a long second. "I understand what it would do to the whole world to lose your intelligence and power," I cut her off.

"What intelligence? I have no power at all!" I stop myself before it's late enough, knowing I've set myself on a level so unsettled. I know I should stay quiet and choke down how I feel, just do what I'm told. I hate the way this place makes me weak in more ways than one. "I am useless, I have no power or meaning." I stop to breathe. "I might as well not even exist."

"If that was true, that would mean my life is even more pathetic. I have dedicated my whole life to research, to eventually save you and what you think is apparently nothing."

A big bang comes from behind us, both our heads look to see where the noise came from in the area we heard it. My eyes cling to the machine that the doctors used to work on me with, as it lays smashed on the ground to the side of us.

"Take the pill, please," her heart is racing, I can tell she is scared for her breathing has changed also.

"What the fuck?" I yell in shock of the machine violently hitting the floor, with broken bits of glass on the ground from the screen. I feel a gross, disturbing ache in my stomach as the thoughts come slowly into my mind and just like an unexpected wave from behind; I will experience things like this forever if I take this pill, or I'll just die.

"This might be a little hard to understand," she pauses. "There's so much I wish to tell you that  you will not understand but I need you to know just this right now. Before Beings are not all good; let's just say, you are allowing access to a good spirit, one who already lives within you. A rare spirit, I can't stress that enough. And trust me, Riley, you really don't want anything else to take that opportunity. If they get inside your head, or the wrong one, you're not going to get through this. They are good for me but once they get inside the heads so powerful like your own, it's dangerous. That's why you need to take this pill right this instant!"

"I'm scared Sonja, I don't know what you even mean and it scares me, I'm not equipped to handle what I don't understand," I gulp.

"Just trust me," she pours her heart out her lips as I grasp onto the words she whispers gently.

Yet I'm full of curiosity, it feels as if it pumps the blood that goes from my head to toes, "By enabling the wrong spirit, is that what causes my body to shut down a year from now?" I ask.

"No actually, that's the classic mistake behind the doctors knowledge; they are unaware and careless to the problem. To fix the problem would indicate research, time and money that they don't want to give. Killing Uncovered has become the result. I'm sorry about all of this because Riley, it is just the beginning to what I'm dragging you into," she has guilt in her eyes as they don't leave me once through this conversation.

"What do you mean exactly?" I mumble staring back into those hazel eyes of hers.

"I need you, you might not see it now because you're young. Yet you are powerful, like I said. You just need to believe it to feel it and once you do," she stops for a second. "I will always be here to help."

I take a huge inhale of air and continue to stare at her or the ground. "What? I won't believe if I don't know what exactly to believe in," I frown at the ground then at her. I must be in a zone where I am still able to see and hear what's around me but my eyes will not move and my mind is frozen and barely working.

"That's all for you to figure out, I don't know the full extent to what your capable of but your DNA is unlike anyone," she doesn't say more but she still leaves me with so many more questions and concerns.

"But how do you know that mine is any different? Wouldn't every Uncovered have the same DNA as mine or similar?" I frown at her leaving my eyes from the corner of the wooden bed.

"There's two parts to your DNA that doesn't make sense but shows evidence of a very fascinating possibility that you have a whole range of ability that no one else has. Uncovered technically live with some type of spirit within them, but it is their own which makes us believe that you're able to encounter but it is as if encountering with themselves. I feel that tingle when you're around because I know the difference between other Uncovered and you. Since each and every Uncovered spike levels of adrenaline, and you can live through sickness or climates that normal people can't even imagine surviving from, it makes everyone scared. But all anyone ever knows is just the feeling and knowing it's a warning to stay away," she takes a moment to catch her breath.

"So you're saying I'm one of a kind because I have my own spirit and a spirit that I'm able to connect with but only because of the pill?" I ask, this is a lot to take in.

She nods her head with charisma. "Yes Riley, yes! This unknown spirit makes it so your DNA, the cells that make of your body is stronger than steel. This spirit is so powerful," her eyes explore the room as she speaks, as she looks completely drawn from her knowledge. "It isn't supposed to be within you, it doesn't logically make any sense whatsoever, which is very clear in the research I've done. The only missing opponent to allowing your paths to cross is this pill."

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