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 Anger pulsates through my veins as I exit my childhood home for the last time. My brother, whom acquired the house after my mother passed, has turned what used to be a cottage in a nice neighborhood in Indianapolis into a pit stop for drug dealers and a beacon for violence. My safe place was single handedly destroyed by my sibling that I've grown to have strong animosity towards. I've been unable to trust him with anything since he started making bad decisions in high school.

I had expected to return to my home and stay with my brother while I was on summer break for college, but that doesn't seem like an option anymore. After I curse him out and say good riddance, I hail a cab outside of the neighborhood, put my suitcase in his trunk, and tell him to head downtown.

"Are you going to the airport, miss?" He asks me, "since you have your bag and all."

I hadn't really quite thought through where I was going to go. Not much is holding me in Indianapolis now that I have nowhere to stay, but I don't want to blow my money on an expensive plane ticket either. I had always dreamed of traveling to big cities and explore, and this would be the perfect opportunity. There has always been one mode of transportation that I've wanted to try.

"No, can you take me to the Greyhound station?" I ask him.

"Of course," he responds, "I didn't even know people still took the bus, to be quite honest."

As he drives towards the station, I search for tickets on my phone. I go straight to the 'leaving soon' section, and see what cities I can explore for a low rate. I scroll through random tickets to places I had never heard of until I land on a city I've always loved, Chicago.

Before my father left, he had taken me to Chicago see our Indy Colts play the Bears. I have so many fond memories of playing in Millennium Park and riding the ferris wheel at Navy Pier.

With these feelings of nostalgia, I impulse buy a reduced price ticket to Chicago that leaves in less than an hour. I figure I can get a small job to help pay for cheap lodging somewhere while also living off of my savings from working this past year. Luckily my high school grades helped pay for all of my tuition to U of Indy, so I got to keep most of my paychecks.

We arrive at the station, and I pay my driver. I load onto the bus, and get ready for the 4 hour ride. This should be an interesting summer. 

Greyhound [Marcus Rashford]Where stories live. Discover now