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Before my eyes lays the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my entire life. The bright lights of the city at night are more vibrant since the last time I was here. Even though it was well past 10 pm, people of all ages and backgrounds fill the busy streets around me. I can't help but stand to the side of the tube station I just got off of, and watch the people around me making memories. I instantly know that I made the right decision to come here.

For the sake of not having my suitcase stolen, I head towards the nearest hotel that doesn't look like it's my life savings for a single night. It's off the main strip, so I won't be able to see the busy streets from my window. It's alright because I don't think I'll be spending all of my time in the room anyways.

After checking in, I go to my room and get settled in for the night. Tomorrow is a new day.


I wake up with a bright light in my eyes. Realizing where I am, I jump up and get ready for my first night in the city. I put on some simple jean shorts and a black tank and head out to a coffee shop around the corner. I saw it last night, and it seemed like a nice enough place.

"One large dark roast to go, please," I tell the woman behind the counter.

"Cream or sugar?" she asks.

"No, thank you," I tell her. I like my coffee as plain and as strong as possible.

"A girl after my own heart, you're going places kid," she laughs, "can I have a name for the order?"

"Peyton," I tell her. I pay, and wait for my drink.

After it's done, I get on the tube towards one of my favorite places in the world, Soldier Field. From age 5 to 9, my dad took me to every Colts v. Bears matchup that ever happened. Legend has it that he named me after Peyton Manning because he was drafted to the Colts on my birthday. Naturally, Manning became my childhood idol. I was the only girl on my county's youth football squad, but I still dominated as QB to make my namesake proud. Soldier Field happens to be where I met Manning for the first and only time in my entire life.

I step onto the pavement in front of the field, and look up. It's size is much less intimidating as a 20 year old than it was when I was 7. Being here is much more emotional than I expected. I haven't been here since my dad left my mom for a younger woman. I can't help but tear up as I walk closer.

There seems to be a soccer practice of some sort on the inside, so I can't go in. I sit on the exact bench that I stood on while meeting Peyton Manning, and think about all the great memories I had here. I don't realize how heavily I'm crying until someone puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" a guy around my age asks me. His english accent takes me by surprise.

"Yeah, this place just means so much to me," I tell him.

"An American football field?"

"You have no idea how much we love our football," I joke.

"I always thought english football was the more emotional of the 2."

"It's not the game, it's the people surrounding it. The sport itself is the least influential part," I try to explain to him.

"Ouch," he says with a sarcastic expression, "As a footballer myself I feel slightly offended."

"Do you play for a college team?" I ask him. He just laughs at me.

"Not quite, I play for Manchester. We've sold out this stadium for tomorrow night on our American tour," he tells me.

"Get out!" I exclaim and lightly push his shoulder, doing my best Elaine Benes impression. "You actually get to step foot on the most magical turf in the world!"

"Already have. I had practice this morning, that's our opponent in there now."

"I wish I could make you understand how big of a deal this is," I tell him wishfully. It would be my dream to step onto that field and look up into the stadium. He doesn't seem to understand that he's already lived thousands of kids dreams to be out on that field.

"Maybe you'll just have to explain to me over lunch."

Greyhound [Marcus Rashford]Where stories live. Discover now