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 "I don't even know you," I respond a little too quick, "plus I'm still recovering from my ugly cry a few minutes ago." It's true, I'm an ugly crier, but I don't believe anyone can cry pretty.

He laughs at my ugly cry remark and introduces himself, "Hi Peyton. I'm Marcus. I promise not to hold your ugly cry against you, and I would love to get to know the girl that cries over American football while eating some American food."

"How do you know my name," I asked a little creeped out.

"It's on your coffee mug," He tells me.

"Well, I guess I can't say no to such an astute guy," I laugh.

"Let's get going then, I'm starving. I also hope someone so passionate about this city knows a place to go nearby because I'm absolutely clueless."

"I know just the place, follow me," I say and grab his hand without thinking.


During our short walking trip, Marcus tells me more about where he's from in a suburb of Manchester and about his passion for European football. While the extent of my knowledge only spans a brief soccer season as a 5 year old, the look in his eyes when he talks about scoring and playing with his teammates makes me more intrigued about the sport.

"Here we are," I announce, "Burger Bar Chicago. You can't get any more American than that."

We get seated by a nice hostess, and he asks, "Did you grow up here? It seems as though you know the place like second nature."

"No, I'm from Indianapolis, but my dad always brought me here when I was little. We'd go to Colts games, cheer on Peyton Manning, then come here for the mac and cheese bar."

His face lights up, "They have a mac and cheese bar?"

"Would I really be giving you the true American experience if I didn't take you somewhere with a mac and cheese bar. My dad and I would eat our body weights in it, and don't even get me started with their milkshakes," I say as a decade of memories washes over me.

"You really are something else. I'll have to meet this dad of yours sometime," he says as I suddenly become self conscious about my family. He has talked so fondly of his family and brother today while I don't exactly have the same feeling towards my own.

"I'd love to see him again sometime too," I say without thinking. Marcus's eyes go wide. I slap my hand to my mouth after I realize what I revealed.

"I'm sorry if I crossed a line," he says while putting a hand on my shoulder to comfort me for the second time today, "I'm not going to make you talk about it if you don't want to."

"Thanks," I tell him shyly, "you're too kind."

"Now let's talk about this mac and cheese," he says grabbing a menu and thankfully changing the subject. Not a lot of people would have dropped the topic without any questions, but Marcus obviously isn't like a lot of people. I'm really glad I ran into him today.

Greyhound [Marcus Rashford]Where stories live. Discover now