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After a short car ride, we end up at the university. Marcus drives us through the campus, up to the admissions office. My college in Bloomington has rolling hills and beautiful trees, but this campus brings pretty to a whole different level. The buildings look like castles, with beautiful stone walls and green vines hanging around them. There are also few modern buildings scattered, hinting that they've updated many facilities and expanded over the years.

The opening of my door takes me out of my trance. Marcus extends his hand to me, to help me out. We walk hand in hand into a welcome building, where there are already people waiting for us.

"Mr. Rashford, so good to see you. Welcome to the University of Manchester! And you must be Ms. Peyton!" An older woman greets us with a smile.

"Yes, nice to meet you," I greet her.

"Well I'm Elspeth, and I'll be showing you around campus today. You're a biochemistry major, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then I will make sure to take you around some of our new labs as well."

She takes us through some of the essentials of a college campus: dorms, eating spaces, student unions, rec centers, and libraries. Everything is very updated and nice, but holds a certain level of charm that comes with classic exteriors and traditional designs. I could really see myself utilizing a lot of spaces on campus, making friends, and enjoying time here.

"This building holds the college of sciences, health, and medicine. If you decide to finish your degree here, this is where you will be spending most of your time," Elspeth tells me as she holds the door open of one of the castle-like buildings.

The interior contrasts with the exterior, as we walk into classrooms that look like labs from the future. As she shows me around different laser labs and spectrometry stations, I get more excited. There are so many cool research opportunities for someone like me. I also enjoy that the health and medicine majors are mixed with biochem because my dream is to create pharmaceuticals and treatments for cell growth diseases. Manchester seems to have the total package of a campus with character and amazing facilities for my major.

I look over at Marcus, and he's messing with an environmental spectrometer system. "You know that one piece of equipment is more than tuition here is going to be?" I ask him.

He immediately holds his hands up in the air, acting as if he's innocent. "It's not my fault that you're literally a genius and you get to use all of this cool stuff." I just roll my eyes at him, and continue talking to Elspeth about what it would be like transferring last year.

After we wrap up the tour, Elspeth gives me her card so that I can contact her if I decide I want to transfer. My grades and past test scores qualify me to get in, so luckily getting in won't be an issue, and almost all of my scholarship will transfer over. I love when life happens to coincide like this, and everything works out. If only it had worked out like this the last 18 years of my life.

"So, what'd you think," Marcus asks me with a huge, assuming smile as we get back into the car.

"It's perfect," I tell him, returning the huge smile, "It really is an amazing place."

"So does that mean that you'll move here, and we can be together forever and ever and ever and ever and ev..." I cut him off by kissing him, answering his question without words.

My life is about to change, but in the best way possible.

-the end-

Thank you so much for reading! I never thought I could write for an audience that spans every continent. I know that I left this with an ambiguous ending, but I hope that leaves all of you to write your own.

Much love, Indi

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