chapter 9

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The Next Morning

I woke up to a kiss on my forehead, I opened my eyes and saw hoshi "good morning beautiful" I smiled as he said that "good morning handsome" I sat up and gave hoshi a long kiss.

"I need to email YG" he sighed "ya you do" He looked up at him "are you ok" "Ya I'm fine I just hate that we have to force you to be in a group" "Y'all aren't forcing me to do anything I actually wanted to be in a group for awhile, I just didn't know how to" He smiled "I love you" "I love you to" We kissed again

We walked down stairs together

"Here comes the love birds" I heard wonwoo tell, i shot him a glare "sorry" He said, I laughed "your good, it's funny how you get scared everytime I glare at you" "Well ya, shit you might be short but I felt your punch, and that scares me" Everyone bursted out in to laughter "WHAT" we looked at him still laughing "if she punched y'all to, yall would be scared also" Everyone stopped laughing.

As we ate breakfast we started a conversation on what was going on l.

"Have you emailed YG" Vernon asked "not yet, but I will later" "Ok" We finished breakfast, an hour later "hey we need to go to practise, we will see you in a few hours" Vernon said, I sighed "ok, I'll be emailing YG" He came over and huged me "I love you, and I know you dont like being home alone all the time, that's why I suggested you to be in a group so you would never be alone" I don't mind being alone if it means that I stay here with y'all" We stopped hugging "I love you" "I love you to" I said

It's been 3 hours since they left

I sat down on my bed and opened my computer and started to email YG

Hello YG

This is Y/N Choi and I was letting you know that i would love to come by and audition for BlackPink, just give me a time and date and I will be there.

Thank You

When I was done I layed back and imagined what my audition would be like and I doezed off.

I woke up 2 hours later, and saw a notification on my computer I clicked on it and it said from YG my eyes grew big. "I got a message back holy crap, ok calm down Y/N just look at it"

I opened the email

Hello Y/N

Thank you for letting me know that you took up my offer on trying for BlackPink, I would love you here tomorrow at 2: 00 pm and we will get that audition going

Thank You

"Omg he wants me there tomorrow" Im soo happy right now like I can't stop smiling

3 hours later

They finally came home

I was smiling

"Are you ok" Vernon asked while they all looked at me "ya I'm great" "What did YG say" "He said that he wants me there tomorrow and that he is very happy that I took up his offer for BlackPink and that he can't wait to see me tomorrow" They all started to smile "omg that's great" They all said at once

Hoshi POV

we walked in and Y/N wouldn't stopped smiling " Are you ok" Vernon asked, we all looked at her "ya I'm great" "What did YG say" "He said that he wants me there tomorrow and that he is very happy that I took up his offer for BlackPink and that he cant wait to see me tomorrow" "Omg that great" We all said, I was happy for her but I dont want her have to leave us when she gets accepted but i also don't want her to meet other groups and fall in love with one of them, I looked down "Hoshi are you ok" I heard that beautiful voice I looked up and saw her in front to me and everyone staring at me "ya I'm great, im soo happy for you we should all celebrate with some food"

After we had ate we all sat down to watch a movie I had Y/N sitting next to me while all cuddled up with a blanket

After the movie was over we all decided to go to sleep I was gonna go sleep with Y/N in her room but before I went up there stairs "hold on Hoshi" I turn around and see Vernon motion me over to him "go up ahead I'll be there in a min" I told her "ok"

I went over to him "what was go8ng through your mind earlier" "What do you mean" He gave that look like don't play dumb "ok fine, I'm worried that she won't be living with us and that she will meet other groups and fall in love with one of them and.. " "Nothing is going to happen, Now go up there go to bed with your girlfriend" I turned around I walked to her room

I walked in and she was walking around in some shorts and one of my t-shirts her back was faced to me went up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder "hi beautiful" She turned around to face me "hello handsome" I smile, we kissed each other and then we went to the bed and layed down she put her head on my chest.

She looked up at me and kissed me I kissed back then I started to get on top of her and we made out for about 20 min i got off of her "Vernon said your worried about me falling in love with someone else if I join BlackPink" She look over to me "look Hoshi I love you and nothing is going to happen between us" " I love you" I said "I love you to"

We fell asleep cuddled up next to each other

New chapter sorry for the wait, ive been caught up with senior year and trying to get college stuff worked out
But I hope y'all like this chapter 😊❤

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