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"Okay, okay." Adrian rolled his eyes, eyeing Mark. "Now, can we just go back to the hotel?" He suggested in an impatient manner, while Joey only nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, I think we really should head back." He took Adrian's suggestion, and Ryan also agreed. Mark nodded too, and so did John.
Everyone turned their heads to Juliet because he was the only one who hadn't nodded yet.

"Fine, I'm driving." He gave in, fidgeting with the metal keys from his pocket. He stood there, glaring at everyone else in front of him. "Well?"

"Okay, let's go," Ryan took Joey's hand and dragged him towards the aisle, their feet stomping across the carpet as they headed for the main doors.

Adrian and Mark followed, and so did Juliet and John. The group of men headed out of the church and headed for Juliet's car outside, While Ryan and Joey were already sitting inside.

"Hey, how did you get in?" Juliet panicked, pondering how the two men got in despite him not unlocking the doors using his keys yet.

"It was open," Ryan shrugged, scooting over to the car door, and unlocked the door. He glared at Juliet curiously. "The hell do you mean?"

"What?" Juliet sprinted over, checking his keys, and found out he DID leave it unlocked.

"Goddamn, You can't even lock a darn car door?" Adrian crossed his arms, shaking his head in disappointment as he glares at Juliet from a distance. "So responsible."

The men got into the car, squeezing inside the minuscule space. Mark and John sat at the very back of the car, Adrian, and Joey in the second row, while Ryan sat on the front seat beside Juliet. Juliet left a ton of plastic bags filled with assorted decorating materials; paper roses, plastic florals, and more. They took up all the space in both the second-row seat and the back seat.

"You know, we would greatly appreciate it if you bought a vehicle with larger space." Adrian shot Juliet a cold glare, rolling his eyes as he squeezed in the seat with Joey, a ton of bags filled with decorations sitting between them, taking up all the space. "Or if you would throw these useless decorations out."

"Shut up, I spent a fortune on those." Juliet started the car, and soon, the car slowly started moving away from the church at a decent speed. The sound of the tires whirling outside contrasting with the hard cement road could be greatly heard. The group sat in pure deafening silence, not a single person spoke up.

"Hey, Mark," John broke the silence, and a small wash of relief swarmed over Adrian. For whatever reason, silence bothered him. There's something about the absence of sound that he simply despises. He'd always love sound; whether it's speaking, music, or just plain gibberish noise, he just doesn't desire silence at all.

"Yeah?" Mark tilted his head to John's direction, making eye contact with him.

"What's your parent's names?" He curiously asked, and Mark shot him a confused glance. "What?"

"Why would you ask for my parent's names?" Mark eyed the curious man before him, shaking his head as he bantered with himself, pondering whether he should state his parent's names or not.

"Why not?" John reasoned, shrugging.

"Well," Mark threw his hands in the air in defeat and decided he would state them, because why not. "Diamond and Coconut."

John shot his friend a confused glance, almost as if he refused to believe what Mark had just said. John scratched his head, slightly tilting it to the side.

"Seriously?" John over-dramatically face-palmed himself, glaring at Mark. "Jesus,"

"Why?" Mark seemed a little offended, judging by the tone of his voice.

"You're the only one in your family that has a decent name!" John threw his hands up once again, but this time, in disbelief instead of defeat.

"Caramel? Meow?" He recalled the two they encountered earlier, scoffing at their unusual names. "Diamond? Coconut?"

"We call our dad Coco!" Mark protested in an attempt to prove Mark wrong with his accusation of his family's unusual names. He didn't seem offended, for him, they were normal names and there was nothing wrong with them at all even if they're not that common.

"Still!" John squinted his eyes. "You're lucky you're not named Peanut or Woof or something!"

"So what am I gonna do?" Mark leaned back on the car seat, and vehicle still moving. The two's bantering went on and on until Joey decided to snap them out of it.

"Guys," Adrian turned his head behind to the two boys arguing at the back, an exasperating expression plastered on his face.

"There's nothing wrong with being named Peanut or Woof!" Mark grabbed John's shirt and yanked it vigorously, while John shook in his seat.

"The heck?" John stared at Mark in utter disbelief. "That's embarrassing as hell!"

"Guys!" Adrian increased his tone of voice, louder and aimed for a more intimidating sound.

"No it's not embarrassing!" Mark retorted in pure disgust towards John.

John was about to answer back, but before he could, he was abruptly interrupted by a fuming priest in front of them.

"Snap the fuck out of it!" Adrian threw one of the plastic bags filled with decorations on the two bantering men behind him in frustration.

John and Mark fell in silence once the plastic bag hits the two of them at the same time.

"Oof." Juliet snickered to himself as he drove away towards the hotel.

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