HEAL! Oh my Freakin'.....Harry Styles?

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HEAL! Oh my Freakin'......Harry Styles?

"Marshal, i'm NOT taking you out for a walk it's raining!" i told my dog, he was a boxer/boston terrior mix. He had brindle fur. I lived with only him, in my small London flat. I was sitting in the living room on my brown leather loveseat trying to watch TV. But Marshal kept jumping up in the air infront of the TV trying to get my attention.

"Kay, Marshal, knock it off!" I told my dog. He whimpered and looked at me with sad brown eyes. Don't give in! i told myself, looking away from his gaze. I looked at the large window and pointed.

"Rain, no walking, NO going outside!" i tried to convince him, throwing my hands in the air, doing weird hand gestures.

"WOOF, WOOF!" he barked jumping onto the other seat of the couch. I rolled my blue eyes and got up.

"That's it! I'm watching TV, IN MY ROOM!" i stormed off into my room and closed the door before he could come in. The rain was beating down on my window. My room was bright orange, with a queen sized bed in the left top corner and a TV on the far left wall. I sat down at my bed and looked out the window on the left beside my bed.

"Rain, rain, stay, stay. I don't want to walk the dog today" i sang and turned the TV on.

"Welcome to HOTJAMS. London Englands, top music show. Number 1 on the TOP 10 countdown is One Directions "What makes you beautiful!"" said the TV show hostess. I smiled and started dancing around my room singing quietly.

"Everyone else in the room can see it! Everyone but You-U!" Wow, first i'm talking to my dog, now i'm dancing like a weirdo? Maybe i'm crazy....NAH!

When the song ended i realized the rain had stopped. Marshal started clawing at the door and barking. As if saying "The rain stopped! WALK ME!" I sighed and opened my white bedroom door and looked down at my dog.

"FINE! Since the rain stopped! Let me get dressed!" with that, Marshal ran to the front door to wait for me. I slammed my door, over-dramatically and went to my closet that was at the foot of my bed. 

I grabbed a black long sleeve shirt, and dark blue skinny jeans. I put them on then pulled my blond/brown hair into a ponytail. I left my room and walked down the short hallway, into the entrance way. I grabbed my pink plaid rubber boots and pulled them on. I then grabbed my black peacoat and Marshals leash. He was sitting impatiently by the door, wagging his tail. Happy he pulled me in with his cuteness.

I latched his collar onto his leash and opened the front door. As soon as i opened the door Marshal leaped forward and ran face first into the door across the Hall from me.

"Nice going smart-one" i told him, smiling. I locked the door and we took the lift down to the lobby. As soon as the lift doors opened, Marshal ran for the glass front doors. He ran right into it.

"I thought dogs were suppose to be smart, MARSHAL" i muttered to myself. I opened the door for him and he dashed out, pulling me. He ran really fast down the street towards to park, where i always took him. I was struggling to keep up with him. 

I probably looked like an idiot getting pulled down the side walk. I could see the park entrance up ahead. And to make it better, there a bunch of Kevins(pigeons) so it made Marshal run extra fast. He leaped forward with great force towards the Kevins(pigeons) that his leash go ripped from my grasp. 

"MARSHAL!" I yelled after the pooch. But he kept running forward "GREAT!" I ran forward as fast as i could so i could at least keep up with him. Everytime 5 seconds i would call him name.

"MARSHAL, HEAL! OH MY FREAKIN' DOG!" I screamed as i puffed from running so fast and so long. Everyone gave me weird looks as i ran by them. 

After running for 30 minutes straight. Marshal stopped, when we were deep into the path in the middle of the forest. I collapsed to the ground beside Marshal. I grabbed his leash so he couldn't run anymore. We both layed on the wet dirt trail, panting and out of breath.

I layed on the ground for what felt like forever, when i heard a twig snap in the direction that went deeper into the forest. I panicked thinking it was a rapist ready to rape me. I went to get up but a bolt of pain shot up my legs, making me yelp. Oh well, guess i'm getting raped by a 40 year old pedo, unless... Marshal put his head up into the air and started barking lightly, guess Marshal isn't gonna save me I grabbed a big rock on the side of the path, ready to throw it.

Just as a figure came into vision i threw the rock with as much power as i could. The person just got into good view when the rock hit his stomach.

"OW, WHAT THE HE-" he stopped when he saw me on the ground in a sitting position. My eyes went wide when i realized it wasn't a old man at all. It was a boy that looked my age. He had curly hair and bright green eyes. He was hunched over with his hands on his stomach. He was looking at me though, clutching my dogs leash for dear life. 

"um hi, did i scare you?" he stood up straight. His voice was really low, and he talked slow. That's when it hit me, like a rock. He wasn't just a stranger in the woods. He was Harry Styles.

"Uh, um, oh" i kept repeating this looking for words.

"I'm guessing yes, only because you chucked a rock at my stomach" he pointed to his stomach area, that was covered in a white v-neck, it has a big mud spot where i hit him. He was wearing a leather jacket over his v-neck. He was also wearing black jeans.

I nodded and went to stand up, it was painful but i finally stood up. Harry gave me a questioning look.

"Are you hurt?" he asked, eyes full of concern.

"I, um. Don't know how to explain it" i looked down at the ground embarssed.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me" he looked down at the ground with a slight pout. He looked really cute, so how could i resist telling him.

"Well.." i started and his head snapped up and he smiled. I recited the whole story for him. He didn't laugh, he just smiled the whole time.

"So that's why i was laying on the ground, and why my legs hurt really bad that i can't feel them"

"That still doesn't explain the rock?"

"Oh yeah... I-thought-you-were-a-40-year-old-pedo" i said all at once. 

"Wha- OH! What if i am a 40 year old pedo?" he wiggled his eyebrows creeply at me. I raised my eyebrow.

"Should i get another rock?" i asked.

"Nono! NO more rocks!" he held his hands up in defense. I laughed and went to step forward, when my leg gave out under me. I went to scream but i never officially fell. A pair of strong arms were wrapped around me. 

"Hi, I'm Harry" he smiled at me, his dimples showing.

"I know, and I'm Ashleigh" I said looking up into his beautiful eyes and smiling.

Harry lift me to my feet and held me up with only one arm. He had his arm around my waist, holding up my whole weight. I tugged on Marshals leash, he stood up and he started walking behide me and Harry, slowly and his legs wobbling.

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