Got Any Gum? (For Alyson/aln123)

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Got Any Gum?

(My beautiful friend Alyson ---->)

I walked into my giant brick school, there was red lockers lining both sides of the walls. I walked towards the stairwell to the right and walked up the steps, not making eye contact with anyone. When i emerged from the top of the stairs i turned right to go to my locker. 

I turned the dial on my lock, when i missed my third number and i had to redo it, i tried 3 more times before I gave a small screech. Forget it! I'm going to class with my backpack! I walked down to the left end of the hallway where a giant crowd was forming in front of my homeroom.

"Hi Harry!"

"Harry, Harry!"

"So glad you're back home!" 

"YOU'RE SO HOT AND FAMOUS!!!"  I looked over at the giant group forming at the end of the hallway. I peered into the group and saw the centre of attention, Harry Styles. I remember Harry from my Math class, which was my homeroom. Then he disappeared for 2 weeks, then I found out he went to audition for the X-Factor, and got in.

He moved his brown curls out of his face, making his happy green eyes more noticeable. He glanced over at me, looking into my blue eyes. He looks like he was about to yell something when the bell rung. 

"Sorry gals and lads, i have class" he gave a big smile and pushed thru everyone standing in front of the door and walked inside. Everyone unclustered quickly so they weren't late themselves. 

I walked into the classroom and everyone was already there, which was weird. The only seat was in the far left corner, be hide the popular curly haired kid. Not going to lie he's very attractive and i don't mind sitting be hide him.

I walked over to the desk and sat down, putting my backpack on the back of the chair.

"Why do you have your bag?" asked a deep and slow voice. I looked up and met eyes with Harry. 

"I, um, erm..... Couldn't.. ya know?" I am such a failure with boys.

"Er.. Yeah?" He gave me a questioningly look.

"I couldn't get my locker open, basically" i gave a small shrug like it was nothing, but it was. I hated carrying my backpack around.

"Oh well, after class i could... help you?" He gave a cheeky smile that showed his dimples.

"Okay.." He never talked to be before, so why now? The gray haired teacher came into the classroom, so Harry turned back around.

"Hello Class!" she said cheerfully "I see we got our little Harold back! Why don't you come up here and tell us a story about your journey!" I saw him run his hand threw his hair and give a small shrug, standing up and walking up to the front of the class.

"Um.. I'm Harry, in case you didn't know..Er... I disappeared for 2 weeks to go audition for the X-factor, and I, um, got put in a band" He gave a small embarrassed smile and turned to the teacher, hoping she'd make him sit down.

"Sound great Harold, you may sit" He walked quickly to his desk and sat down. I, being brave, tapped his shoulder lightly. He turned around.

"Nice" i gave a small wink. His smile grew bigger, then he stuck his tongue out at me.

The bell rung for the end of class, i was sad because i talked to Harry more then i thought i would ever. I stood up, grabbing my backpack and walking out of the classroom. I walked to my locker for round 2 of trying to open it.

I turned the dial and it messed up again. I threw my backpack on the ground and kicked my locker, ignoring the looks people gave me.

"Let me do it!" I turned and saw Harry there, he bumped his hip to mine to move me out of the way. My stomach started filling with butterflies. He started to turn the dial, then popped the lock open, opening my locker with a smirk on his lips.

"Wait... How'd you know my combo?" I raised my eyebrow at him. His smirk left his lips, and a small blush came onto his cheeks.

"Um.. I don't know, i guessed..." 

"Liar!" i smacked his arm. He gasped and started rubbing the spot i hit.

"Okay! My friend who's locker is right beside yours, memorized your locker combo, and we'd go in your locker to take a piece of gum from your stash" I looked at him shocked, i always kept a stash of like 3 different gums in my locker because i loved it.

"Oh by the way! Got any gum?" his cheeky smile returned and I hip-bumped him out of the doorway of my locker. I reached up to the top shelf and grabbed a pack of gum, took out a piece of gum, taking it out of the wrapper.

I turned to Harry holding out the stick, he went to reach up and grab it but i pulled it away and popped it in my mouth. I chewed loudly and in his face.

"Oh come on!" 

"You snuck in my locker like everyday, you don't deserve any!" He reached to grab to the pack from my hand, but i turned around and held it close to me. He reached around me and kept trying to get it.

He had his arms wrapped around me, screaming at me to give him a piece. I kept laughing and giggling. He jerked his body to left, making us both lose balance. I felt his turn his body so he hit the floor instead of me.

I realized that i was smothered into Harry Styles chest. I lifted my head slowly and was inchs away from his perfect face.

"Sorry.....not sorry" he gave me another cheeky smile, dimples showing and eyes shining.


It's kinda short but i like it! This is for Alyson, one of my twitter frand <333

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