You Guys, Are Never EVER Getting Back Together! Starbucks Style!

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You Guys, Are Never EVER Getting Back Together! Starbucks Style!

I walked into the fancy starbucks, the smell of coffee and delicious treats filled my nose, i inhaled deeply and sighed with content. This is where i live, where i belong. Not going to lie, starbucks is my guilty pleasure. It's so expensive but i can't help it!

I looked around the small starbucks and it was strangely empty for 4:00pm on a Saturday. On the left there was a stand with napkins and powders, like nutmeg and cinnamon. Also there was a built-in garbage can.

In front of it was 4 green leather chairs, all surrounding a glass coffee table, then to my right there was a three seater couch and two chairs, also with a glass coffee table in the middle. There was dark wood tables with matching chairs on the top right, then the counter on the top left. 

I walked over to the case of baked goods beside the register. There was a girl standing there with bright pink hair, she had a black lip ring, but she was wearing a big smile so she seemed like one of those friendly punks.

"Hello! What can i get for you?" she asked cheerfully.

"Um...I'll get, a small Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with a raspberry cake pop, please?" I tried to sound as cheerful as her, sealing it with a smile. I shouldn't be eating a cake pop, i need to keep up my dancer bodie but oh well!

"Coming right up!" she turned around and started messing around with all the coffee machines behide her.

She came back 2 minutes later with my drink, with a green straw wrapped in paper. She opened the back of the case and grabbed me a cakepop and put it in a starbucks paper bag. I thanked her and grabbed my stuff off the counter and walked over to where the powders were for my drink. I put all of them on top of the whipped cream, ripping my straw wrapper open and placing the green straw perfectly in the middle.

I walked over to the three seater couch and placed my paper bag down on the coffee table. I heard the bell above the door go off, but i chose to ignore it. I picked up one of the magazines that were laying on the coffee table. On the front was a picture of a angry, red-faced Liam Payne from One Direction. He looked like he was trying to dodge the cameras, or trying to push them over.

Of course i knew who Liam Payne was, who didn't. He's part of a successful boyband and plus, he's not ugly. I read the title above the picture.

"Liam Paynes Tragic Break-up" I raised my eyebrow, then rolled my eyes. More celebrity break-ups, how lame. The celebrity world is all about break-ups, i threw the magazine on the coffee table lazily.

"Yeah, i wasn't a fan of the article either" said a voice beside me. I turned my head and saw the same person on the cover of the magazine. Liam. Payne. He is sititng next to me, my words got caught in my throat. I'm not even a big fan! But dang is he attractive!

"Um.. ye-yeah. Paps are idiots" I stuttered, looking down into my frappo. 

"Yeah, i told them to stay out of my business but i guess when your famous nobody listens to you, not even my girlfriend" he sighed sadly.

"I'd listen to you" i said without thinking. I slapped my hand over my mouth embarrassed. I saw a small smirk form on his lips.

"That's good, i'd listen to you too" he sipped from his green straw that went into a cup, it looked like the same drink as mine.

"So um, what happened between you and your girlfriend? If you don't mind me asking" i looked up from my cup to his face.

"Well, she said she didn't like the music part of me. But i realized, my music IS me. So if she doesn't like the music me it means she doesn't like me at all. I am music" he sniffled lightly.

"I loved her, i really did. But if she is always going to complain about fans, management, that kind of stuff. Then how could i be with her if she hated this big part of me." His sniffle was louder this time, and a tear fell down his perfect cheek. On impulse i wrapped my arm around his shoulder. 

I felt his tense but he relax quickly. I pulled him close into my side and rubbed small circles on his back. A few more tears were shed before he finally composed himself again. He sniffled one last time before he turned his face to look at mine. Our faces were only a couple inches away and i could feel his breath on his face.

"Um, Thanks" he smiled.

"You're welcome" i smiled back. I wanted to inch forward just alittle bit more so my lips would touch her perfect ones, but i had to contain myself. He just broke up with his girlfriend, and plus I probably wouldn't see him after this.

I realized i've been staring into his eyes the whole time, till his cellphone went off making us both jump.

"Um, hello?" He asked questionably. His jaw clenched.

"Melissa, why are you calling me? -I don't want to get back together with you! -Sure i'm upset about how much death threats your probably getting but you brought this upon yourself" he argued with her for another 5 minutes when i snapped. I slammed my plastic cup on the coffee table, pulling my light brown curly hair into a ponytail.

I yanked the phone out of his hand and placed it to my ear.

"Listen here girl! Leave him ALONE, he doesn't want to be with you anymore. You broke up with him because you couldn't handle it, sounds to me like you're just trying to use him!" Her sqeaky voice came threw the reciver.

"Who the hell are you!?"

"I AM DANIELLE-FREAKING-PEAZER!" I yelled into the phone.

"Well stay away from my boyfriend!" she sneered.

"LISTEN HERE MELISSA! You guys, are never EVER getting back together!!!" I yelled/sung loudly into the phone. I hit the hang up button and turned my head to see a Liam with a shocked expression on his face.

I grabbed his wrist. lifting his hand up so i could place his phone in his hand. He closed his hand around it and put it in his jean pocket. We continued to stare at each other for what felt like forever.

He finally blinked then jumped at me, pulling me into a tight hug. I returned it and took in his fantastic scent.

I never wanted it to end.

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     And this is how Liam Payne and Danielle met! <3 Well in my eyes anyways >_> I was gonna have Danielle be the Ex, but their to perfect to even write about that <3 I'll probably do one with Louis and Eleanor next :) <33      

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