11:43 pm

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I just had an epiphany.
I usually see these posts on like Tumblr or Pinterest posts where they're like, "You can change your whole life on a dime!!1!1" shit. I took it with a grain of salt, it didn't really make sense. Until now.
I'm lying in bed listening to the song above by Aaron Doh and I realize-
I can change my life on a dime.
I can literally just shave my whole head, start writing more, actually buy and grow plants, save up money, start making money, apply for crazy colleges, study more, pick up that ukulele I have collecting dust, go through and sort my clothes, make new friends, drop toxic friends, talk to my brothers more, go on adventures, paint my nails whatever color I fancy, try those absolutely ridiculous 5 min craft things, get into a good routine and then break it, eat healthier, go on 'nature' walks (around my neighborhood), ask my dad to teach me about paint and color matching, ask my mom to teach me knitting (again), text someone who I haven't talked to in a long time, learn how to sew or paint or sculpt, make music, memorize a new poem, learn how to drive, start a Youtube channel, and so much more.
I can do so much and it just now dawned on me how much power I have over my life. I've always felt like I was in the back seat of a car driven by my insecurities and my lack of control but now, I can knock those fuckers out and drive this car myself. I feel empowered.
Hopefully this isn't an 'I haven't slept for a day and my brain is all the way fucked up' kind of epiphany, but we'll have to see.

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