Chapter 1

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As soon as I am awake, my eyes fly open. Normally I would sleep in, but today I am going to wake up right away. It is my 17th birthday, and I want it to last as long as possible.

I lift up the covers and throw them down to the end of the bed. I leap out of bed and to the closet, leaving my bed behind. I would normally have to make my bed, but since its my birthday, I don't have to.

When I reach the closet, I take out an Under Armour shirt and Under Armour shorts. I love Under Armour. It's really comfortable, and its really good for sports. I quickly change and throw my pajamas into the basket, where I keep my dirty clothes.

I then run over to my desk. This is where I write stories and keep some of my stuff. I also keep my computer there. I grab my watch and put it on. I always wear my watch. It is especially useful since it's waterproof. That would normally be it, but today I keep something else here. A pocketknife, because of what day it is. I will not let them get me...

I grab the knife and put it in my pocket. Then I quickly do my little obstacle course to get to the door. I grab the tiny ledge, sticking one inch out of the wall. It is hard to hold on to, but I manage to do it. I lift myself up, them reach up to grab the next one. I continue doing this, until I am above the wall that blocks my door. I have to get over it if I want to get out. But I haven't passed it yet. I have to go farther. I reach up, where there are some rocks sticking out of the ceiling. I climb across them, then climb down the tiny ledges on the other side of the wall. I drop to the ground, and I am done. Easy.

I run to the door. I grab the doorknob and jerk the door open. The doorknob slams into the wall behind me as I run down the hall. Usually, I would check to see if the doorknob made a hole in the wall, but because of the excitement, I don't today.

I sprint down the stairs two steps at a time. I run into the kitchen, where my family is waiting, as usual. Mom, Dad, my sister, and my brother. I wait for them to start singing "Happy Birthday", but they just stand there silently with no expression on their faces. Finally, Mom speaks up.

"What did I tell you about opening the door like that?" she says.

I ignore her. "Uh, guys?" I say. "Are you gonna sings 'Happy Birthday' or what?"

"What?" Mom said plainly. "Sorry, I didn't hear you. Speak up."

"GUYS!" I yell. "COME ON! Quit this joke! It's my birthday!"

"It is?" Mom says, confused. "Why didn't you tell us, then?"

I close my eyes angrily. But then I realize what's wrong. "Oh, don't tell me it is getting to you." Don't ask. I'll explain what it is later.

"Don't mention it!" Mom demands.

"Fine!" I say. "But really, you need to start singing!"

"Why?" she asks. "What if we're scared?"

"Then suck it up!" I say. "It's my birthday! You can't treat me like this just because you're scared!"

They just stare at me.

"You know what, just give me my cake."

Mom holds out my cake. Well, at least she can do something right.

I reach out for the cake, but before I can even touch it, she drops it and it splatters all over the floor.

"Mom!" I yell.

"Oops, looks like you dropped it. You better clean that up," she says.

"WHAT?!? ME!?!?!? YOU WERE THE ONE WHO DROPPED IT!!!!!!" I scream.

I pick up the cake to see what it looked like. It turns out that the cake was actually navy blue with a skull on fire. Next to the skull it said, "Beware of the kidnappers."


I stomp up to my room. I hear Mom shout from behind me, "But we still have two packs of straws left!" What is wrong with them today?

When I reach my room, I slam the door behind me. I look back and see that I actually did make a hole in the wall today. But I don't care. I'm just so mad.

I sit down on my bed and grab my phone. I go into my App Store. There are twelve updates available, so I just click "update all" and lay my phone down on the bed beside me.

I instantly begin thinking about it. I really don't want it to happen. If I get chosen, I know I will die. Or worse, my girlfriend, Samantha Ruth, but I call her Sam. If she got picked, I would be devastated.

I look down at my phone and see all of the updates have downloaded. So I pick a game and start playing.

After playing for a few minutes, something strange begins to happen. The air around me begins turning green. Not in the game, but in real life. The air gives out a strong scent, making me woozy. I quickly tap the home button on my iPhone 5c and click on "Messages". I press Sam's name and begin typing quickly. In the end it comes out like, "Something weird happening. Air around me turnin green", and Sam quickly replies. Her text reads, "Happening 2 me 2. Feelin sleepy. Btw happ". Guess she didn't get to finish.

I quickly put my phone in my pocket and take out my knife. This is obviously the work of a robber or something. But a robber robbing my house and Sam's? Doing the exact same thing at the exact same time? I don't think so.

I look around, hoping for a trace of a robber. But then I figure out what is happening. It is the work of them.

Almost immediately after I figure it out, I collapse to the floor and the world around me goes black, almost as if the truth had just punched me in the face.

And this means it must be happening to Sam, too.


So there's your first chapter of "The Gauntlet"! Yeah, I know, it was boring, but trust me, it is gonna get much better. Comment on what you think and vote! Votes and positive comments will make my day!

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