Employee Part 1

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Frypan is a terrible cook. He makes this thing called White Slop and it's exactly what it sounds like. Pale oats, barely cooked and dumped with goat's milk. He didn't even mix the oats and milk together, just combined them at the very end.

So, when Frypan handed me my 'breakfast' all I said was "the hell is that?".

"White Slop". He's not paying much attention because he's busy handing bowls out to others.

"Frypan, you're doing it wrong". Now he pays attention.

"What do you mean I'm doing it wrong?" he asks, putting his hands on his hips.

"You add the milk to the oats in the beginning. Then you cook it". I say as-a-matter-of-factly.

"And how do you know how to cook better than I do?"

"I just do".

"Well, you've only been here for one day so piss off!"


The boys behind me shove me away and take their breakfast. I'm just about to vent at them when someone grabs my shoulder and leads me away.

"Come on, Greenie. There's work we gotta do". For fucks sake, it's Gally. He takes me over to the fighting circle where some other boys are sitting.

"So, Alby arranged for you to be with the Builders in the morning, Med-Jacks just before lunch and Slicers just after. Finally, the Track-hoes and the you'll help Frypan cook dinner. That way you can get a bit of each job, so you can choose which one you want to do".

"What about the Runners? What if I want to that?" I ask.

"Well, if you want to take care of dead bodies or clean everything then be my guest. And besides, being a Runner is dangerous" he replies. I guess he's still grumpy at me from yesterday.

"Does it look like I care?", I reply.

"Aida, just do everyone a favour and keep your mouth shut". He starts walking away and I secretly shove a rude finger at him. Then I walk over to the group in the circle and so does Gally.

"Aida, these are the rest of the builders", he addresses. He inclines his head for me to sit down so I do. You wanna know who I sit next to? Luke. Fuck. My. Life. I look down at the White Slop.

"If you don't eat it, there's nothing till lunch", Luke says to me and nudges my shoulder. Don't fucking touch me Luke.

Closing my eyes and trying to think happy thoughts, I take a spoonful of it. The oats are pretty much raw and the meal taste like crunchy flour with sweetened milk. It's not the best but it'll do.

"Alright everyone, let's head to work", Gally announces and like a game of following the leader, one by one the Builders grab their empty bowls, bring it over to the kitchen and start marching off. I quickly follow. They start heading to a shed right next to the kitchen and take wooden boxes off the shelves and belts full of equipment.

"Here you go Greenie", Gally says and throws me a belt. "It's Aida", I correct him under my breath.

"Ok, Alby wants us to build a separate area for Aida and it needs to be done by-" "What?". Gally turns around, obviously annoyed that I had interrupted him.

"He wants us to make you another homestead just for you...so you don't have to put up with us and we don't have to put up with you".

"How sweet", I say back to him. God, I hate him.

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