Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Mia's POV.

It was like something was missing. It’s funny how things change so fast. Yesterday I was sitting at the same place, in the same catheter, with the same persons at the table, but now it just feels different, except the disgust that I have towards this two lovely-dovely: my friend and the asshole of the year.

Ashley and Blake were sitting in front of me, his arms were all around her and randomly he could slip his tongue in her throat, right in front of my view. Under other circumstances, I would swear and cut his tongue with my fork, but I wasn’t in a killing mood today, since yesterday events.

“This party is going to be huge. I took care of everything to be perfect, my neighbors are also leaving which means the noisy cops won’t disturb us,” Ashley said in a happy tone, her phrase followed by a giggle, because Blake started tickling her with his breath.

This was a hot move. Well, he sure knows something about how to turn up.

I rolled my eyes, at the accidental thoughts my mind comes with. That’s stupid, this guys doesn’t know a shit.

“About that, I am not coming,” I don’t know why it was this so important, but Blake’s eyes turned to stare at me for a second.

“How’s that?” he asks in disbelief and for a second I thought he wanted me there.

I answer to Ashley’s questening glare, it’s not like I would answer Blake’s questions, he has to own my respect for that.

“Dad punished me.” Yes, besides my broken heart, my dad yelled his lungs out on me because of my freaking detentions which this moron of Patterson gave me.

God, what bad have I done to have him in my life?

Before Ashley could pity me for missing one of the biggest parties, the bell rung, and we all got up to go to our classes. Since the next one was literature, Blake decided to follow and annoy me a little more, than he has already.

After some failures of him to get my attention by calling my name, he got me by my wrist and pulled me against the wall, with centimeters away from our bodies.

“Let go Patterson, I don’t want to see you,” the situation is a little catchy for me, to be honest, him looking in my eyes, with that boyish stare.

“You have to come to Ashley’s party,” he ordered.

“I can’t, are you deaf? I just have told you I am punished.”

“That’s your problem, sneak out, or convince your dad to let you go. I don’t care, but you have to be there, understood?” his signature smirk was placed on his face, and my eyes started travelling his body.

“You can’t give me orders,” I finally answered.

“Now I can princess. You are going to do as I say, you know why. I will be waiting for you at eight near your house.” I was questioning myself why does he want to see me there so badly?, but there were mere seconds before he answered. It was like he read my thoughts.

 “Well Winters, you see, I convinced your best friend to invite Brian and his new girlfriend there. So besides the sex I will be getting, I will entertain myself looking how our ‘little stuck up nose princess’ will react when she will see the boy she likes so much with someone else.”

I was speechless.

He can’t make me do that.

But I didn’t allow myself to show my weaknesses, so I smiled at him gently hiding a million of sentiments under that muscular face move and looked in his eyes, which were poor cold, just like him.

“Deal, but you will have to pick me up later than eight,” his eyebrows jump in surprise. He really thought I would humiliate myself in front of him again. Not going to happen.

Before Blake could manipulate me with other things, I turned around and hurried my pace into literature class. Mr. Foster never leaves the kids for detention when those are late, yes-he is such a sweetheart, but still I don’t want to be late at this class, maybe a part of me still wanted to be a goody for Brian, maybe he will appreciate it.

No Mia, c’mon leave that guy behind.

And my inner voice was right, I am not going to act like an emotional teenage girl that was rejected by the love of her life. When I entered the classroom, I made it with confidence, I was keeping my head straight, and my hips were moving seductively. I had a smirk on my face, and a stare of a girl who dominated the school, because, even though this days were rough I wasn’t in the outcast of the school, so I had to show those people why I was one of the first people who were invited to parties. I leaned my head in Brian’s direction, and smiled genue at him, like he hadn’t given me insomnia the other night. Soon enough I sat on my usual spot, and my nostrils inhaled the same scent which gave me reasons to dream. Now it smells as good as ever, but I could feel the death of every butterfly in my stomach by recalling the memory of yesterday. Soon enough that obnoxious face appeared in my view too.

I took my time to analyze him for one more time. He was moving slowly, noticing all the girls that look at him with thirsty eyes, later they will be one night stands. His plaid shirt was unbuttoned, reveling a white t-shirt with some kind of paint on it, his washed out jeans were finishing the casual outfit. I could see why Ashley liked him so much at first, he got the looks even into the simplest outfit and messy-bed hair.

“Done eyeing me princess? Or to walk once again for you?” I sent him a glare, but he just brushed it off. “What? I would ask you to walk once again, that moves of your hips is something I can watch,”

“You are shameless,” I said in a bored tone, and no I haven’t blushed like most of the girls do, when Blake says things like this, because I am so much worth that a crappy compliment like that. And plus Blake may have seen me cry, but he will never see any other emotion from me, than disgust and indifference.

“You know, now that you’ve been rejected,” he put a big importance on that word, “the easier way to move on, is move onto someone else, so please do me a favor and don’t chose me for this,” I rolled my eyes.

“Blake, get over yourself, arrogant womanizers with lack of brain cells aren’t my type.” I turned around and focused my attention on the lesson, but before I hear him say:

“You never know how they can become one.”

A smile appeared on my lips at his stupidity, but as soon as I remembered about Ashley’s party, it disappeared.

How am I going to look at Brian and Meredith without escaping a tear? That’s something unknown to me, yet.    

Tralalalalalala. Hi guys!

So I start to upload more often, I will try to upload not later than two weeks, that’s the best I can promise. I thank everyone who stays here, and continues to read this book. This chapter is shorter because it's a little preview to what's going to happen next. 

I want to start dedicating chapter to you guys, so I will pick the first five who comment and dedicate the previouse chapters to them, and a random commenter for the next chapter. Give me you honest oppinios, suggestions, I would love to know what you are thinking about this.

Love you all, -S.

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