Late Night Walk {Trey Songz}

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It was a hot summer night , and I was walking home from my friend's house. We had been playing Basketball all day , and I was tired.

I decided to walk home , since I didn't have a car , and my mom was sleep.

Turning on my iPod 5 , and plugging my pink beats , I was listening to 2 Reasons by Trey Songz , when someone tapped me on my shoulder , causing me to jump.

I paused my music and turned around. There stood 3 boys who looked to be in high school.

"Hey what you doing out here late at night." One asked .

"Minding my business , which is what you should be doing." I snapped.

"Oh , we got a mean one here ." The other said.

I rolled my eyes, clutching my nike backpack closer to my side .

"What do you want?" I said backing up, only to have them step closer.

"Just wanna have some fun on this , hot summer Friday , with girl like you." Another guy said.

"Well, it looks like you gotta find another girl other than me." I said with attitude.

"Nah , shawty I think the perf-" One said but got cut off by a boy behind them.

"Uhn, uhh this ones mine fellas." This Carmel skin colored boy , with a fade and tattoos , said pushing through the 3 boys.

"Oh word, she sho do look good in them sweats." One said licking his lips.

I gave him a disgusting look.

The mystery boy , wrapped his arm around my shoulder and winked at me, telling me to play along.

"Where you been babe?" He asked me smiling down at me.

"I was just walking home ." I said wrapping my arm around his torso.

"Oh ." He replied then turned his attention back to them.

"Well, I guess y'all should be leaving cause this one is mine." he said smiling.

They looked at me for conformation , then I nodded in agreement .

If this guy was gonna keep me from getting raped then , I might as well play along .

"Word , ight B see later." One said and they walked away into the dark.

I stayed under this guys arm , until I noticed they were gone and out of sight.

I then moved away in a swift move , "Thank you, you really didn't have to do that." I said clutching my bag nervously.

"Nah , you good ma, they always trynna get with somebody." He said tucking his hands in his pockets.

"So where are you really going?" He asked me looking my in the eyes.

"Well, I was walking home from a friend's house." I said swaying my foot .

"Oh , word ? well can I walk you home , if that's ok with you." he asked.

I thought , what if those guys came back again, I don't know maybe he's just being friendly .

"Umm, sure I would love that." I said . Then He nodded as we walked in the direction towards my house.

The whole time we talked , we conversed about random things . I found out his name , and his name was Trey , he was a really nice guy.

Then we finally reached my door step. "This is it. And thanks for everything tonight." I said turning. To face him.

He nodded. "Yep, no problem ma , but can I get ya number?" he asked .

"I thought you'd never ask." I said , as he handed me his phone. I put my number in his phone as a new contact, then handed it back to him.

"Thanks , and I'll be hearing from you soon , right?" I asked . He smiled ,"Of course ma, Maybe I could take you out sometime?" He asked looking at me .

I returned the smile , "That would be even better I would love to , good night Trey , and thanks for everything." I said.

He turned around and started walking , "No problem ma ,Good night Chanel."

I walked into my house, and plopped down on the couch , and my phone vibrated in my pocket, indicating I recieved a text.

I unlocked my phone , and it was from an unknown number.

Unknown - Hey , it's me Trey , I just wanted to tell you good night , and it was nice meeting a beautiful girl like you.

I read , as soon as I read it I started to blush mad hard and replied .

Then I went upstairs to go to sleep. I think Trey was the one for me , and I think I might like this one...


Well how was it ?

It's my first Trey Songz imagine, so yeaaaaaaaa.\

Taking request still.

Let me know about this imagine....

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- Slay Goddess

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