Chapter five

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P.O.V of Raven.
I woke back up with a pounding headache still around the back of the gala. People probably assumed I'd just passed out. I rolled over, pain lancing my stomach and look to see one of Renegades weapons embedded in my stomach. I pulled it out, holding in a squeal of pain and looked at it, the horrible logo of Slade adorning it but there was something in it. I pried it open and looked inside at the clue that Robin had left me. Instantly I was filled with joy and I heard something else inside smash. I quickly took to the skies and flew back to the tower.

"Guys, guys." I shouted as I got inside, "Get up, this is important."

"It's 2am in the morning Rae." Beast Boy complained as he joined me and the others in the main room, "What's so important it interrupts our beauty sleep?"

"It's about Robin." I said, "I know why he's working with Slade. At least, I have a clue for why he might be."

"He's a traitor Raven." Cyborg said, "Nothing you can say will make us forgive him."

"He tried to kill us Raven." Starfire cut in, "Just look what he did to me. He's moved on."

"No, look." I held out the paper he had left me.

"The threat is inside you." Beast Boy read out, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know." I said after a moment of hesitation, "But I heard him communicating with Slade, he doesn't want to work for him. Listen." And I played my recording of him talking to Slade.

"Did he just call him master?" Starfire asked, "That is so the cliche."

"I don't think Slade is giving him much a choice." I said, "He was fighting back and then he just apologised, Slade is obviously holding something against him. And whatever it is, it's inside us."

"Rae, we've already checked ourselves for any bugs or stuff of the sort." Cy said, "He's just having us on."

"No, he's not." I argued, "He doesn't want to work for Slade."

"You're starting to sound like Star did." BB complained, "So when you get over this. Tell us." And he left.

"I agree with Beast Boy." Cyborg said and Starfire murmured her agreement as they both also left me alone.

"He isn't playing us on." I muttered as I looked out the window, "And if you won't help him, I will."

P.O.V of Robin.
I arrived back at the hideout to see Slade had already ripped the paintings to pieces. And inside them was a bag of nanoscopic objects.

"More probes." Slade answered my unasked question, "But these ones are not for your friends. No, these are for much more important issues than controlling you."

"What are you planning?" I asked, getting right up in his face.

"You'll know in due time." He replied and dismissed me, "You're still in trouble for using that tone with me earlier. And your punishment is a simple one. To. Your. Room."

I went without question, it was better than another job for him.  I quickly went through my room, looking for cameras and finding a couple, quickly taking them down. Then I went over to the wall and blasted a hole through it. Hopefully, they'd be here soon, with the probes removed.

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