Chapter six

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P.O.V if Raven
I watched as the team all doubled over in pain and my emotions could no longer be contained.

"STOP IT!" I screamed as my power escaped me and took down everything in its path.

"Raven, stop." I looked down at the weak voice and sobs hit me as I saw Robin lying in pain on the floor, "You have to stop Slade. We- We're not going to make it. It's up to you."

"Robin, please, don't. You're going to be just fine." I held his hand in mine, his shaking from pain and mine from a different kind of pain.

"Find Slade and stop him Rae." He begged as another scream tore his throat, "If not for you, for me."

Suddenly I was filled with anger, anger as Slade for what he made Robin do, what he made us think of him anger at myself for not taking him down when I had the chance.

I arched back as my power erupted from within me and I had no control over it. I felt like I was suspended in that white light forever and was thankful when I hit the floor on my knees, sobbing and entirely spent.

"Rae, Rae." I heard a voice as if from underwater, "Raven, you need to get up. We need to go after Slade."

I looked up then, terrified of what I might see, but was overtaken with joy as I saw Cy, Star and BB. Standing and okay. I heard the rest of the Wayne name fall as my emotions released my power again and pulled them all in for a hug.

"Where's Robin?" I asked, "He can take us to Slade and we can send that son of a bitch to hell."

"Rae." Beast Boy sounded sorry, what was he sorry for, "I-"

"There must have been a higher dosage in his system Rae." Cyborg said as he stepped to the side and I saw Robin lying on the floor, not moving.

"No." I shook my head, not believing what I saw, "No. This-this is all some kind of practical joke. No." I ran over to him and began to shake him, "You can stop playing around now Robin. Come on Dick, you can wake up now."

"Rae-" Cyborg tried but I turned on him, my demon form starting to come through.

"He's not dead." I screamed, "He can't be. I won't allow him to be. He has to come back."

I knelt over him, my tears falling on his pale face. His open, unseeing eyes, "Come back." I whispered out between sobs as I hugged his body to mine, crying for the team. I could feel them huddled together behind me, mourning together but they didn't have the connection we had. They didn't understand what he had been through.

"Come back to me!" I screamed, "Come back! You can't leave me, not now. I.. I love you Dick."

"I love you too." I turned towards the voice and saw Robin to my left.

"I told you. I told you he was alive." I screamed for joy as I ran to hug him but I went straight through him, "What? Robin, what's going on?"

"I'm not real Rae." He said, "But I love you too. And I'm so proud of you, of the team. And I wish we had more time together, I really do. But right now Rae you need to be the strong woman I know you are and find Slade. You need to stop him for me, before he does this to anyone else."

"Dick, please, please come back." I begged, "For me."

"We can't defy death Raven." He said, "I only got one second chance. But I'm always here." He said as he hovered his hand above my heart, "I'm always right here."

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