Chapter Three

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    My alarm yells at me from beside my bed. I moan, turn it off, get up and get dressed, and then run out and check the mail. Some seeds are stuffed inside of it. Day two on the farm, here I come.

    I get used to the tools and soon, before I know it, I am farming like a pro. After a while, I decide to take a break and wander around the farm. I hear something in the bushes so I go to inspect. In it, there is an orange tabby. It looks at me with wide eyes, and then it comes towards me. I pet it once it comes close enough. It kinda likes me.

    I pick it up and give it a bowl full of water. As I watch it drink, I decide that the cat probably needs a name. I think back to when I got bored and looked at cat names on my computer.

    Let's see... Shadow, Tut, Oscar, Arrow, Kent. Wait, Arrow. I like that. I decide that Arrow is his name and I repeat it over and over out loud so Arrow might respond to it later. Finally, I decide that I should get back to work. Who knew farming could be so hard?

    At 5:00, I call it quits. Sweat drips out of every pore in my body and I just want to jump in the water. Hey, that might not be the worst idea.

I look at the pond on my farm and the water is kind of murky. I do not quite like the look of it, so I just decide to go to the river. I walk to town because I am too tired to run, and after what seems like a decade of walking, I get to the river. I walk along the edge a little further than last time, careful of my footing, and then just jump in.

   The cool water flows over my body and I sigh with relief. I can practically feel it wash away the sweat and the dirt stains. My whole body relaxes and I just kind of float on the water. Yet again, somehow, there is very little current. This place is confusing.

   All of a sudden I hear laughing. Alex. Gosh, darn it. My eyes pop open and I see the guy standing on the edge, holding his stomach because he is laughing so hard. Embarrassed, yet again, I inhale and crouch under the surface. I know that he can still see me, I just need a little time to think about how I am going to handle this. Eventually, I float over to the edge of the river and grab on to the side.

   "How could you fall in again!?" Alex laughs. I grab his leg and pull him in with me.

    "Oh no, now you have fallen in too," I say and dodge as he tries to splash me.

    "Oh, it's on, farm girl." He screams. I swim as fast as I can away from him and he swims after me. My muscles burn in pain. One, because I have been working them hard all day, and two, because I am working them even harder. All of a sudden, I feel a hand grab my leg. I try to slip away, but, he pulls me towards him. Then Alex grabs my sides to keep me from escaping. How is he so strong?

    A devilish grin creeps across his face and he hoists me up in the air, then throws me into the water. I scream and then suck in water as I go under. I come back up and cough a little. Alex just looks at me like he won a championship. His face is victorious, with a little bit of sass. I swim back over to him and just as I am about to say something, I hear a voice.

    "What the hell are you doing, Alex?"

Distracted Farming - Alex - Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now