Chapter Six

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I wake to my alarm again. Even though it is only day 3, I am still excited. Excited about literally everything. The farming, talking to people, and Alex. Well, Alex especially. He has already made my life better.

I decide that I should go meet more people after I water my crops. The last time I tried, I was soaked and distracted. This time, I hope not.

I drag myself out of bed and get ready for the day. Just some simple overalls and a white t-shirt. Still cute though. I go out and give Arrow some food and water and then start tending to my crops.

Even though it is the beginning of spring, it is super hot out. The sweat starts dripping off of me almost immediately, and it makes everything miserable. I have to admit, I never thought that farming would be this hard. I guess that it is better than working at that boring old job, though. Now that was something else.

My watering can empties so I go to get some more. As I bend down over the side of the little pond to refill, I feel someone's hands on my back, pushing me. I fall in, ending up soaked, yet again. I emerge to find the one and only Alex standing over me.

"Why do all our conversations start with me being in the water?" I ask him sternly and cross my arms.

"Because it's pretty funny." He says and sits on the edge, sticking his feet in the water. His shoes and socks sit beside him.

"Not when I have plans!" I bark and pull myself out beside him. I walk a little farther out and lay on the ground, in the sun, so that maybe I will dry off.

He comes over and sits next to me, just looking at me with a stupid grin on his face. Not a cute grin, no. One of those grins that hide an idea behind it, and not a good idea either.

I grin back at him, showing that I am ready to play his game, whatever it is. He breaks for a second, thinking about what his next move will be, I'm sure. Then he attempts to grab me, but, I roll away from him. He sighs in defeat and stares at the ground. An idea pops into my head then.

"If you like me being in the water so much, we might as well go down to the beach." I say and smile. He thinks for a second and then nods at me.

"I will go get my suit on. Meet at the beach in 10?" He asks. I nod at him and walk back to my house to grab my stuff and change. I put my suit on and pack a towel and a few granola bars into my beach bag. Then I remember that I should probably grab the sunscreen too. I already have been burned enough from the sun, there is no need for more.

I walk down to the beach, people glaring at me because I am still dripping, but, I really don't care. It's not like I am getting them wet. I slip on the stone and trip, causing some kids to laugh at me but, I get up and keep walking. As I get closer to the water, I feel blood dripping down my face and I reach up to find a big gash on my forehead. I sigh as I enter the beach.

Alex sits on the sand, looking out at the water. His back is all muscle, and I am afraid but, also excited to see his front side. I walk down and sit my stuff beside him. He locks eyes with mine for a moment and then checks my body out as I do the same to him. He has some very nice abs. We both blush a little and then look out at the water.

"I-I like y-y-your suit," I tell him to ease the tension a little. I look at him to see that he is smiling.

"I l-like your b-body." He says and then his eyes go wide, as my stomach twists itself into a knot.

Distracted Farming - Alex - Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now