Chapter Nine

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I enter the cozy little home. The red couches brighten up the room, although the entire thing is cute. You can tell that it is just girls that live here.

    "Haley, I am here!" Alex yells and then falls down onto the couch. My stomach drops a little bit at the thought of meeting someone new. What if she doesn't like me? I still stay by the door, just in case she isn't okay with me being in here.

    A blonde haired girl comes out of another room. She wears a blue tank top and a pink skirt. Honestly, she is very beautiful.

    Haley looks at the back of Alex's head and smiles, then, she looks at me. Confusion crosses her face for a second then she grins again. She comes over and stands in front of me.

    "You brought a friend, Alex." She says then frowns and looks me over. "And a dirty one at that." I frown back and look at him, pleading with my eyes the message of 'help'. He just shrugs it off like he is used to it. I am sure that he is, too.

    She walks away and goes to sit down next to him, I sit in the chair across. They look really close, kind of like a couple. As they talk to each other, I start to question them.

    I wonder if he just wants to be friends with me because honestly, I like him more than that. Maybe they are just like that, I guess. At least, I hope so.

    I suppose that Haley sees the question on my face because she smirks at me. Alex looks at me, then her, and frowns, knowing what is going on. That look that he gets when an idea comes to mind crosses his face.

    "Excuse me, but I must use the bathroom." He says and walks away, leaving me with the blonde-haired girl. We lock eyes with each other and my head starts to hurt.

    She walks over to me, quickly, and then gets down on her knees next to my chair. She grabs my arm and shoves her face up in front of mine. Then, she grins.

    "Spill it." She half-whispers.

    "Excuse me?" I ask, a little scared.

    "What is it like to date Alex? I have always wanted to know." She giggles and then moves away from my face a little.

    "Oh-" I look at my lap. "We're not- Um- Together," I tell Haley. She stands up and starts laughing hysterically. I give her a questioning look.

    "Now that," She points at me. "Is hilarious."

    "I am serious!" I kind of yell.

    "Ugh, whatever. No one likes to gossip around here." She plops herself back down on the couch and crosses her arms. Of course, now, Alex comes out of the bathroom. He looks at us.

    "Is everything alright?" He asks.

    "Peachy." Haley and I reply at the same time. He looks down at his feet and frowns.

    "Hey, uh, I just remembered that I have to go do something. Bye." He says and then runs out the front door, leaving me alone with her. What a coward.

    Both of us sit there in silence just staring at each other. I know that we are planning our next move. Honestly, I am a little scared, and I force myself to say something first.

    "How about a deal?" I ask, trying to remain calm.

    "What sort of deal?" Haley glares at me.

    "I gossip to you, and you stop being mean to me." I chuckle and she thinks for a second.

    "Sounds okay. But, you have to gossip with me at least once a week." She smirks.

    "Mondays work just fine with me," I tell her and she nods.

    "Deal." She says and sticks out her hand for me to shake it. I take it.


Distracted Farming - Alex - Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now