Chapter Ten

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~A/N~ I am so sorry that I made you guys wait so long!! I hate when authors do this, but I did it... I am so very sorry! Please forgive me!!! Thank you, everyone, for reading this though! The wait is finally over. :)

F/B - Favorite Book

I walk out of Haley's front door to find Alex leaning against a tree. He doesn't see me so I stand there and stare at him for a few seconds. He has his hands in his pockets and is staring at his shoes. At this moment, he looks at peace, like everything is okay. He also looks really hot right now.

Finally, he sees me there, and I feel my face go red. Alex nods his head left and then starts walking. I follow close behind.

He leads me back to his house, and we walk straight past both George and Evelyn. She gives me a wink and a thumbs up. George just grumbles.

Alex shuts the door behind us and sits on his bed. I take a stool from his table and pull it closer to him. Then, he looks down at his lap.

"I'm sorry about Haley. I suppose that I have never had another gi- I mean female friend before." He swallows hard.

"Now that's alright. But, what you did isn't!" I tease, sort of.


"Don't play dumb." I scoff.

"Alright fine. But, I was scared!" He whines.

"Of two girls? That don't get along that well? Don't you work out? You could fight us off." I put my fists up and start giggling. He glares at me, and I feel my face go red because he kind of looks cute like that.

"Look," He stops and lays on his back. "I don't know why I did what I did, but I am sorry, okay?" I just grunt.

I stand up and walk around his room, looking at stuff. I notice his football and his gridball helmet on the floor. There is a weight on the other side of the room by a bookshelf. A bookshelf! I think to myself. I run over and quickly browse through the books. Then I find my favorite book.

"Oh my gosh! You have read F/B?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He sighs.

"What was your favorite part?" I ask excitedly.

"Well um," He thinks for a second. "The part where fish drowns." I don't remember that.

"I don't remember that. But, to be fair, I read it in 5th grade so." I say.

"Really? That whole thing?" He asks.

"Well yea, it's only a couple hundred pages. I was up to reading a thousand by middle school." I chuckle, flipping through the pages.

"Jeez, Y/N." Alex scoffs and sits up again. "I can't even read that now."

"Wait a second." I stop in my tracks. "Did you-" I look him straight in the eye. "Did you not go to school?" He bites his lip. "Oh my gosh, you didn't!"

"What? It's not like there are any around here!" He drags his hand along his face. "There weren't any Pennys back then. Heck, she was my age." He sighs and I give him a confused look. "Penny is this girl in the town that teaches the younger children."

"Oh," Is all that I can get out of my mouth as I sit down next to him on the bed. "I'm sorry. An education should be granted to all children."

"It is unfortunate isn't it?" He asks and I nod. We sit there in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company.

"Oh, hey," I remember. "What was that thing between you and that blond kid?" I ask and his face contorts into pure sadness. My stomach drops a little. "It's uh-" I think for a second. "Okay. You don't have to tell me." Alex shakes his head.

"No, it's fine. It's just," He also thinks for a second and I place my hand on his shoulder. He flinches a little. "He just has kind of always been mean to me. Sam pushed me out of his life as soon as, well, he knew about some things."

"What things?" I ask.

"That's a whole different conversation." He says.

"Sorry, I didn't mea-" I try to say, but he cuts me off.

"You know what? Don't you have farm work to do, Y/N?" His tone becomes harsh. I get up off of his bed as he shoos me out of his room.

I might have work to do...

Distracted Farming - Alex - Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now