The New Guy

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The picture I put up is what I believe the New Guy would look like


Now, don't judge me. I'm not keen on the whole threatening thing, sometimes you can't always live up to your word. Then again, you gotta do what you gotta do! I wait for him to come to his senses as I circle him in the dimly lit conference room that now reeks of rotten flesh. The door creaks open, slightly ajar, and someone pokes their head through the sliver of space. I notice a pair of black-framed glasses.

"Is he up yet?", Riley inquires.

"No, and he should be overjoyed he isn't!", I say menacingly.

"Feisty, I like it!", he says in a smooth voice that sends chills up my spine. His warm hand reaches under my tank top, covered by my blood red, open flannel shirt. I try to subside my lust for him as I gently push his hands away.

"Nuh-uh", I bat his hands away.

"I know, I'm sorry", he says with a pained smile, "I just lose myself in your beauty sometimes", he admits.

"I know, I'm terribly irresistible", I joke in a cocky way. I told him we would wait until we were serious to you know... give ourselves away, and he's been a gentleman about it. I'm just scared that's all. It's a sacred thing for a girl! Plus, I'm still sixteen so I don't need to make stupid decisions this soon.

"What am I going to do with you, Raine Walgran?", he asks me, my name beautifully rolling off his tongue. I smile, grabbing a fistful if his shirt, pulling him into the small office that overlooks the prisoner. I look up at him and his eyes become a tad greedy. I shake a bit out of fright. Not like a he-might-be-a-murderer fright but more of an I'm-afraid-I'll-get-too-carried-away scared. He leans in and kisses me roughly. I wrap my arms around his neck and entwine my fingers with the hair at the nape of his neck. I kiss him back and we press out bodies together, every bump and curve fitting perfectly like two puzzle pieces. I stop kissing him and catch my breath.

"I love you", he says in an earnest way I've never heard before. I'm shocked and moved at the same time.

"I love you too", I reply, and I mean it with all my heart.

"Do you know when I first saw you?", he asks me, I shake my head, "one night after school I was driving home in the rain. It was pouring as in buckets-of-water-are-being-thrown-at-me and I was navigating the streets, trying to find the quickest way home. Out of a certain ally a girl strolled out like the rain was the least of her worries and she gradually made her way down the street. Her hair drenched and frizzy from the humidity, clinging to her face and neck. She saw a puddle, ran right through it and when she got home she didn't go in right away. Instead, she stood outside her house for a little while, watching the sky and letting the raindrops hit her face. She smiled a most beautiful smile. That's when I started to see you around school. I couldn't stand not being near you. My buddies found me obsessive at the time but I think they were just jealous I'd found the most amazing person in the world", he tells me. I give a gentle smile and he lightly trails a hand down my lower back, making my heart skip a beat.

"That's the reason why my mum named me Raine. She noticed I adored rainy days the most and she kind of just added a vowel at the end of rain and sealed the deal", I explain.

"Well I must say, your mother picked the perfect name", he compliments. He runs a hand along my curvy hips. I self-consciously blush and look away.

"You're beautiful, Raine", he tells me.

I smile and he gives me a reassuring smile, "we'll you're handsome as hell", I inform him and that's not a lie. He could easily break the meter of attractiveness. He chuckles then playfully kisses me, grazing my bottom lip with his tongue. He pulls away and drags me back to the room where the man has begun to awake. Really?! Perfect timing!

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