Chapter 1

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Jim whistled as he made breakfast for himself and his mom and school lunches for his best friend and himself. He ate his breakfast, left a note for his mother, packed the lunches into a bag, packed his school bag and went into the garage.

He put a helmet on and went out of the garage with his bike and Toby was alredy waiting for him. "Hey, Tobes! Made your favourite!" Toby made grabby hands and took the bag and smelled it. "Ohhh. Smells good as always." Jim smiled.

As they were driving to school, Jim noticed a girl about their age, with brown and blonde hair, mirror sunglases, white shirt with orange flower hear the rim, grey and orange skirt and white shoes.

Jim catched up with Toby. "Did you see that girl?" "Yeah, what about her?" Asked Toby confused. "I've never seen her before." Said Jim. "Mhhm. Now that I think about it, me neither."

They arrived at school, parked their bikes, took off their helmets and went to the locker room, where they took their books. 

Walking down the corridor, Jim thought that with the corner of his eye he saw the same girl walking into Mr. Strickler's office. He just shrugged and shook his head.

When they walked into their classroom, first thing that greeted him was a crumpled piece of paper, hitting his head. "Good morning, Loser!" The whole class burst into laughter as Steve said it.

"Ignore him." Toby patted his arm and Jim threw the paper away. He moved to sit behind his desk and Steve crumpled another piece of paper.

He threw it but it didn't hit Jim. Instead, a girl catched it. "Now, that wasn't very nice, was it?" Her voice was soft and her smile also. She threw it across the room straight into the bin.

"And who are you exactly?" Steve was watching her as she sat at the rast row. "You'll know soon enough." She smiled at him sweetly.

The Bell rang and the teacher and Mr. Stickler came to class. "Good morning, class. Sit down." The studenty sat down and the teacher and Walt continued standing. "Mr. Strickler is here to say you something." 

Mr. Strickler cleared his throat. "Good morning, class. I'd like to welcome a new student into our school. Please, come to stand next to me." He gestured towards the new girl.

She stood up and walked forward to stand next to him. "Hello, my name is Alexandra Varien, I moved here with my family two days ago from Alaska to start a new life." She scanner the room with her eyes. "You look like you're a nice class. I hope I can make a new friends." She smiled sweetly.

"Wow. She came here all the way from Alaska." Said Jim not believing it. "I think it was too cold for them in Alaska." Said Toby rubbing his chin. "Ah, come on, Tobes. She was born there and her parents probably too. They should be used to the colds. You heard her, they moved here to start a new life."

It was after school and Jim took his helmet. "Jim!" Both Jim and Toby turned at hearing female's voice.  It was Claire running towards them, waving. "Hey, Claire! What's up?" Asked Jim when Claire walked up to them.

"I just wanted to say 'Hi' to our new classmate. Wanna come with me?" She asked with a smile. Jim looked stunned for a moment. "N-Yeah, why not?"

Claire smiled and nodded. "Oh, there she is." Jim and Toby turned and saw the girl rumaging trough her locker. "Come on." Claire was alredy on her way  towards her, Jim and Toby shared a nervous look and walked after her.

"Hi." Claire smiled and waved. Alexandra looked suprised for a moment and the looked at Claire with a smile. "Hello. What can I do for you?"

Claire laughed nervously. "Nothing. I just came to say 'Hi' and...." She coughed nervously and outstretched her arm. "Claire Nuñez. Nice to meet you." Alexandra accepted it and they shook with it. "Alexandra. You alredy know it."

Both girls giggled and Jim with Toby approached them. "This is Jim." Claire gestured to tall, dark haired boy. "Hi." He waved nervously. "And this is Toby." She gestured to small, brown haired boy. "Hello."

"Hi, guys." Alexandra waved with a smile. "I hope we can be friends, you look like a fun group." She closed her locker. "But I need to go now. Bye!" she started running.

"Master Jim!" Blinky popped up around eight o'clock at night trough the kitchen window, startling Jim when he was making dinner. "Blinky!? What are you doing here?!"

"Bular is making a move again! We have to stop him!" Blinky looked frantic and Aaarrrgghh stepped up behind him. "Bular dangerous. Stop Bular." He said with his deep voice.

"Alright. Alright." Jim quickly cleaned up the place, turned off the lights, left a note for his mother and left the house.

Blinky told them everything and Jim with Tobes were racing down the road on their bikes towards the bridge, Where Bular was meeting with goblins that brought him another piece to build the bridge.

"Hurry up, Tobes!" Jim shouted as they took a turn towards the museum. "I'm hurrying up as much as I can." Bike squeaking, they neared the muzeum and they turned sharply into an aley, Where they left their bikes.

"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is Mine to command." There was a flash of blue light and Jim had an armor on and was holding a sword.

They peeked around the corner and slowly crept forward. They got in and cautiously progressed forward. Hearing noises, they hid behind a statue. 

A woman with black short hair and in a pink dress walked by and into a storage room. Jim and Toby shared a look and nodded, quietly walking after her.

They slipped in and hid behind wooden crates. They peeked and saw Bular sharpening his sword against his forearm. 

The woman approached him and bowed. "Few pieces are on their way, Bular. Our Lord-Your Father, will be free soon." "Finally." Bular gruffed a laugh and looked over his sword.

The woman changed into a troll-like-monster in a pink color with long black hair, green eyes, two glowing swords and a tail.

Jim nodded and he rushed at Bular, swinging his sword, which Bular easily blocked. Toby tried to distract the female one. "Trollhunter. I wondered when you would show up." Bular growled and with a roar charged at Jim.

They were swinging their swords, running away from one another, throwing things at each other and-in the case of trolls- saying threaths or-in the case of humans-cracking a joke here and there.

Halfway trough the fight, Bular paused mid-swing, eyes widening and panting heavily. "No. It can't be...." He started to look around frantically. On his face flashed emotions such as confusion, sadness, betrayal, anger.

Then he snapped back to reality and he roared, charging at Jim and sending him flying into the wall and Toby landed next to Jim few seconds later.

Bular was now running away and the pink troll woman seemes confused. "My Lord?!" She ran after him.

Jim and Toby got up from the floor, groaning. "What was that?" Asked Toby rubbing his head. "I have no idea. I'll talk with Blinky about it tomorrow." They both groaned as they straightened. "We're going to be sore tomorrow, that's for sure." Said Toby.

Unknown to them, someone with blue glowing eyes was watching from the shadows.

"Jim." The person giggled. "Who would have thought that my own classmate is a Trollhunter." Alexandra smiled wickedly. "We will be great friends, Jim. Unseparable even." She giggled again.

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