Chapter 2: New Classmate

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Wow. At the time of writing this, my last chapter has 9 views and 2 votes. Honestly that's better then I thought it would do. Who ever voted, thank you! It helps a lot! <3. Well anyways I got my XBone fixed and I've been playing Halo all day today so this won't be done until later today or tomorrow. I've actually been excited to write this chapter. I also uploaded this to if you'd rather read it there. It has the same name so it shouldn't be too hard to find. Also sorry about the "NO." I thought it was necessary.


Today was a school day. Umaru hates school days. Don't most people? She was sleeping in bed until she was awoken by her brother. "Umaru. Get up, you have to go to school today." Taihei said sleepily. He also had to get up at the same time because he had to go to work. "Umaru!" Taihei screamed in an attempt to wake up his little imouto. "Ugh!" Umaru sighed. 'Why does school have to start this early in the morning?' Umaru thought to her self. Umaru got up sluggishly and sat at the table awaiting her breakfast.

5 Minutes Later...

Umaru still sat awaiting her breakfast. 'Why does Onii-Chan have to take soo long to make breakfast! I'm starving! He never takes this long unless he makes that disgusting bell pepper spice.' Umaru thought to herself. After careful preparation, Taihei finished cooking breakfast. "You took long enough Onii-Chan!" Umaru said. She ate her breakfast in a jiffy  and changed into her school uniform. She ran out the door and meet up with her friend, Ebina.

Ebina had always waited outside of the apartment complex and waited for Umaru since they lived in the same complex. Just different apartments though. Some days Ebina would wait for a long time just because of Umaru. If she had not been friends with Umaru, she would have been to school faster. This is a trade off though. Umaru had helped her study multiple times. Without Umaru, Ebina would have failed Highschool entirely.

They walked to school together and sat by each other in class. The bell rung and everyone sat down. "Umaru!" Umaru heard her name being called. Then all of the sudden...'Shpaaa'..."My friend Umaru, did you hear about the new kid in school? Apparently he is smart too, indeed!" Sylphyn said with her self made sound effects in the background. "Sylphynford Tachibana! Have a seat!" The teacher yelled. She took her seat immediately so she wouldn't get in trouble. "Now class, we have a new student joining us today. He is very talented albeit new to the school so please treat him as you would your other classmates." The teacher said. "You may come in and have and introduce your self young man."

The new kid walked into the classroom and was met with immediate reactions. Some such as..."He's so handsome!" and "He's amazing!" 'Amazing, no one even sees him do any work yet.' Umaru thought. ' that Akai?" Indeed it was. Her suspicion was quelled when he spoke the the class. "Kon'ichwa, my name is Akai Koibito and I look forward to being your classmate." He said. Akai looked around to find an empty seat. Luckily enough he had found a seat close to Umaru. Not right next to her but still close.

Break time

Umaru, Ebina, Kirie, and Sylphyn were sitting together as usual. They were spending their break eating and talking. Mostly tslking about the new student in their class. "Wow he is smart indeed!" Sylphyn said. "Yeah...I...I think he is talented." Ebina said. "He answered all of the questions right." Umaru said. "Well looks like I have a new rival indeed! We might be friends but still rivals, my friend/enemy/companion, or should I say 'Friendenempanion!'" Sylphyn said with joy. 'Where does she get these words from?' Umaru thought. Umaru looked at Kirie. She was very concentrated on something. Or someone.

'What is she looking at?' Umaru thought as she looked in the same direction. Umaru looked around and saw nothing in particular. just...a person. Not anyone Umaru knew. Someone completely random. Maybe Kirie knew that person. "Hey, you remind me of someone." Someone said out of no where. "Huh?" Umaru said turning around. It was Akai. "Oh hey, you're the new student aren't you?" Umaru asked. She knew the answer but decided that would be the best response for the conversation. "Yeah, this school is nothing like my old one." He said.

"Who do I remind you of?" Umaru asked. Akai's response was the one thing she didn't want to hear. "You remind me of a girl I met yesterday. I think her name was...Komaru?" He said. Umaru didn't want him to say that because if Kirie hears the name Komaru, that's her master but now Umaru's UMR life doubles as a second Komaru. Umaru looked over at Kirie to see if she heard. Apparently not. She was still looking intently at the same person. 'What a relief.' Umaru thought. "Well, what's your name?" Akai asked. 'Well now this is going to be weird.' Umaru thought. "My name is Umaru." Umaru said.

"Your name sounds just like the person I met yesterday. Similar names and similar looks. What a coincidence." Akai said. 'Guys are dense aren't they?' Umaru thought. "My name is Sylphynford Tachibana!" Sylphyn added. 'No one asked about her.' Umaru thought. "Kirie" Kirie said emotionless. She had stopped watching over the other person for whatever reason. " name is E...Ebina." Ebina said. "Well it was nice to meet you all!" Akai said.

Ebina was acting like she normally does when she talks to someone new. Her head starts steaming and she studders. "I plan to win against him when the next test comes around indeed!" Sylphyn said cheerfully as break time came to an end. The four walked back to the classroom together and sat down in their normal spots. The bell ring and class started.

After school

Umaru, Kirie, Sylphyn, and Ebina all walked out of school and started talking to each other. 'I need to get home and watch the debut of the new anime that's coming out today.' Umaru thought. They went as far as they could together, then went their separate ways back to their homes. Umaru walked through the door and changed into a chibi. She instantly turned on the telly and waited for the new anime to come on. Right now an episode for a different anime that she already saw was on. She sat through the episode probably for the 4th time since it aired months ago. As soon as it was over and the new anime was starting someone knocked on the door.

'Why does someone have to knock now of all times?' Umaru thought. She walked to the door and stopped in front of it. This was the tricky part. She didn't know who was on the other side. If it was Kirie or Taihei, she stays in her chibi form. If it was anyone else, she would answer as either her UMR outfit or as normal Umaru. "Is anyone home?" A familiar voice asked. Where did she know that voice from? Was it from school? Was it from an arcade? Where? She decided to just switch to her UMR uniform so nobody from her school could recognize her. She opened the door and saw her newly made friend, Akai. "How did you find where I live?!" Umaru shouted in confusion. She had never told him where she lived so, who could have? "Ebina-chan told me. I was walking through the neighborhood and I saw Ebina-chan. I said hello and we talked for a bit. She told me you two had lived in the same complex.

'Why? Why did you have to say that Ebina?' Umaru thought. Since Akai was her friend she didn't mind him knowing where she lived but not when she just met him yesterday. "So, what brings you here?" Umaru asked. "Well, I thought maybe we could hang out for a bit at the mall."

Cliffhanger lol
Every time I hear or write the word cliffhanger I get reminded of the COD mission. Idk why though. Anyways, I'm going to try to make every chapter at least 1k words long (not including the beginning and end bits.) I believe this one was about 1.3k words. Anyways I will upload this to tomorrow for those of you who prefer that side instead. If I get enough requests I might put it on AO3 but not anytime soon. Peace XP

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