Chapter 5 Without the Dream Scene

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Umaru was walking home with a really unhealthy amount of cola. One person can only drink so much sugar. Why doesn't she just buy diet cola you ask? According to Umaru, her body needs a lot more sugar then the average person. She says this because she has a hard time dealing with her normal life which is basically just school.

She had already stopped to drink one cola from her massive stockpile on the way home just to keep herself awake so she could make it home. Umaru was taking in the beauty of the city while the sun was setting like she did the last time. Yes, she really took that long to buy cola. Maybe she just wanted to look at the city lights a second time? "Beautiful." She said to herself. She looked at the time and realized she had to get home before Taihei got suspicious that she was gone do long. He was probably already suspicious.

By now she was running to get home. She was running straight until a little someone ran around a corner and bumped into her. "What happened?" Umaru asked herself. "S-sorry!" Said a girl. "It's fine, don't worry about it." Umaru said. The girl ran towards the same way Umaru was running to. She didn't have the chance to see who it was but, she would probably find out on her own. Umaru finally reached her apartment complex, ran up the stairs and ran inside.

She had to take a minute to catch her breath. "UMARU! Where were you? Why are you out of breath?" Taihei asked. "I went to buy cola and got distracted by the city lights." Umaru replied. "Don't scare me like that. I just finished making dinner so sit down and I'll hand you a plate. Umaru changed into her chibi form and sat down. Taihei handed Umaru her food and sat down as well.

The dinner was great. For Taihei that is. Why didn't Umaru like it as much? The one thing she doesn't like. Two words. Green onions. "Umaru, stop complaining. This took me a long time to cook you know!" Taihei said. "I told you not too though!" Umaru yelled. "Umaru! It's good for you!" Taihei responded. "I don't want to!" Umaru yelled. "UMARU!"

After arguing for sometime Umaru gave in and ate. She felt too tired to do so anything so she quickly did her homework and fell asleep.

The Next Day

"Umaru get up! Your going to be late for school!" Taihei yelled. "Huh? I need to get going!" Umaru said as she quickly got dressed and ate her breakfast that her Onii-Chan cooked for her. She ran out the door and met up with Ebina. They ran to school together and got to class right before class started.

The teacher walked in and held the students' tests in his hands. He called out the students names and said their test scores. "Umaru Doma. 100%."..."Sylphynford Tachibana. 99%"..."Ebina Nana. 86%."..."Kirie Motoba. 88%."..."Akai Koibito. 100%."

The teacher called out everyone's names but everyone was too stunned by the newest student to even hear their own test scores. "He is just as smart as Umaru!" "Wow he is amazing!" "Can you help me study?!" The students were very surprised by his test score. He was being praised just like Umaru usually is. 'Wow...' Umaru thought. She looked over at Sylphyn's seat but didn't see her. She looked at Akai and saw Sylphyn bothering him.

"You are smart indeed! I will get a higher score than you next time however!" Sylphyn said. "Well, if you keep studying you could get a one hundred." Akai said, not knowing how to respond to that. "Great idea indeed! I will study more!" *shpaaa*

'Is she trying to be his friend or is she really butt hurt and wants to best him?' Umaru thought.

Break Time

"So he is as talented as people say." Umaru said. "Y-Yeah." Ebina said, embarrassed. "Umaru! We must work together to best him indeed! He may be smart but he can't win if we study together!" Sylphyn said with her music playing. 'That music is really getting on my nerves after hearing it everyday for some long.' Umaru thought. "Sounds great! I need to study more anyways." Umaru said. "Let's study at my place tomorrow!" Sylphyn said. Everyone at the table turned to face Kirie who was now growling.

"Is there something wrong Kirie? You've been acting strange recently." Umaru asked. "I'm fine." Kirie said as she turned to face her friends with a blush. "Are you sure?" Sylphyn asked. "I'm sure, besides wouldn't I say something if something was wrong?" Kirie said. The group agreed that nothing was wrong. "If there is something wrong, it is the new kid stealing all the fame indeed!" Sylphyn said.

"I...can...hear you." Akai said from a table not to far away. "I will find a way to get a better grade! Good luck indeed!" Sylphyn shouted at him. "He might be my enemy but Umaru, you are my friendenemy." Sylphyn said. "I'm your enemy?" Akai asked from his table. "Until I find something to win at!" Sylphyn said. "Well...okay." Akai said and went back to what he was doing. "Sylphyn, if you realized that you don't need to beat someone to be friends with them, then why do you want to best him?" Umaru asked. "Well, so I can have competition!" Sylphyn said.

After School

After school, Umaru and Ebina were walking home. "Ebina, you did better then last time. You're really improving." Umaru said. "T-thanks Umaru." Ebina said. "If Sylphyn and I are going to study then why not study with us?" Umaru asked. "That sounds great." Ebina said.

I started this really early in the morning because I couldn't sleep and forgot until after I got home from work. I almost fell asleep on the job because I got so tired. Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed. AnimeX out.

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