Chapter 4: School Day

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Hey, so...I don't know where to go next. This is by far the most popular fic I wrote gathering about 63 reads which I didn't think it would go that well. I don't know what to write next. I'm not good at romance. Just ask my girlfriend. I don't know crap about it. The only reason I have a girlfriend is because I'm kindhearted. If you could, please send me suggestions on what to write. I want to keep continuing this fic but I'm stuck. Until I think of something or get a good suggestion, this story is on hiatus. AnimeX out.

Update: This story has reached 78 reads and 8 votes! It's even #15 in weird! (Is that even an achievement? #15 at being weird lol) :0 Thank you for the support! I will continue this story in a day or two. Special thanks to Angelpie- 1356 for the suggestion!

Angelpie- 1365: "Think it similar to the anime. Can't wait for update."

Last Update of this chapter: I am currently half way through with chapter four. I just started writing it not too long ago. I am trying to reach the one thousand word mark for it. If you haven't noticed, every chapter I have written has been over a thousand words, not including the beginning/ending updates, messages, or just weird stuff in general. I'm going to stop writing it today and leave it at five hundred words. AnimeX out.

(This update won't be deleted, I will leave it here and write the real chapter below.)

I finally finished it!
It's been two days since Umaru hung out with her new friend. It was fun! Hanging out in the mall, getting ice cream, drinking cola, and reading manga. The only thing missing from that was playing video games.

Umaru was heading to school now with her best friend, Ebina. They had been friends for a long time now. Secretly, Ebina had a crush on Umaru's older brother. Taihei and Umaru never knew about this but Kirie did. Kirie became Ebina's helper. Kirie always tried to find a way to get Ebina and Taihei together. Sometimes Ebina would back out, sometimes Taihei was too dense, sometimes it was just poor planning.

Umaru and Taihei will never know that Ebina has a crush on Taihei. Enough about Ebina, for now. They were almost at school and were prepared to take a test. A test in which Taihei helped Umaru study for, and Umaru helped Ebina study for. They walked into the classroom and were fairly early. Almost no one was in class. Only Sylphyn (Because she wants to prove to be better then Umaru, as a friendly competition of course), Akai (Because this original character is important to the story), and a few others were there, besides Umaru and Ebina of course.

In a few minutes, all the students gathered into the classroom and the teacher followed. Class started shortly after. "Today class, we will be taking a test." The teacher said. "Why didn't you tell us yesterday?" Some random student asked. "I DID tell you yesterday." The teacher sighed and started handing out the tests. Umaru was about to answer the first question but someone poked her. "Take this, it's from Sylphynford." A random student said. Umaru opened the note and wasn't surprised about what the note said.

*shpaaa!* Umaru! I will best you at this test indeed! Good luck my friend!"

'Why do her notes have sound effects?' Umaru thought to herself. Umaru shrugged it off and went back to the test. Umaru was having trouble answering the questions. It wasn't because she didn't know the answers. Something wasn't right. Umaru felt weird. 'Oh well, I guess I'll just try to focus on the test.' 25 questions shouldn't be that difficult, right?

Little did she know that there was a secret assassin in the classroom! Nah just kidding. Umaru answered the questions to the best of her abilities and handed it in. 'Was anyone else feeling weird like that?' Umaru thought. 'Maybe it was just me and I'm just being my weird self.' Eventually the class ended and the students waited for the next teacher to arrive.

Umaru didn't know what to do while waiting. Kirie was staring at someone or something, as usual. Ebina had steam coming out of her head, as usual. Sylphyn was too excited to see her test score to hold a usual. Akai was sitting still in deep usual. 'Wait...that isn't very usual' Umaru thought. Usually he would be talking to someone or studying for the next class. Akai was outgoing, he never sat still and did nothing before.

Umaru decided to approach him and find out what was wrong. Umaru always wanted to help a friend out in any way she could. "Hey, are you alright?" Umaru asked. "Yeah, I just forgot to study is all." He replied with a grin and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. 'Is that really what has him down?' Umaru thought. "Okay well, I think you did good anyways!" Umaru said. "You think so?" Akai asked. "Yup." Was all Umaru said before the next teacher walked into the classroom.

"Alright class, today we will be learning about a new topic." The teacher said. Umaru zoned out and thought about after school. Maybe she could get her Onii-Chan to take her somewhere with Ebina? Maybe bring Kirie and Sylphyn too. Where could they go? NcDonald's (I couldn't stop laughing at the fact they put no effort into the name lol!), Korean BBQ, arcade, the beach maybe? 'We could do all of it!' Umaru thought.

"Umaru Doma, what is the answer to the question on the board?" The teacher asked. "9×12÷5+(√9+6)²" Was the question. Umaru had studied for not just the test last class but everything subject. Only because her Onii-Chan thought it was a good idea. "102.6." Umaru stated proudly. The whole class was in shock at how she had just answered the math question flawlessly in no time at all. "Great work Umaru! You are definitely on the path to become a genius." The teacher stated.

The rest of school was a breeze since Umaru had studied. She was now on her way home with Ebina and Kirie. Sylphyn would have joined them but she decided to stay behind to collect something she left in the classroom. What did she leave? Umaru didn't know. Kirie didn't know. Ebina didn't know. Kirie went off to her house only for her brother to bug her, in a caring big brother way. Umaru walked up the stairs to reach her apartment on the second floor. Ebina's apartment was on the first floor of the same complex so she didn't have to go up the stairs.

Umaru walked through the door and turned into a chibi. She ran past Taihei and turned on her gaming console and started playing and adventure RPG game. It was the newest game of the series.

(Yes this is a picture of Elder Scrolls: Arena)It was fun

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(Yes this is a picture of Elder Scrolls: Arena)
It was fun. 'Cola would go great with this fun new game.' Umaru thought. "Ni-Chan! Hand me a cola!" Umaru yelled. "Umaru, we're out of cola." Taihei responded. "THEN GO GET SOME!" Umaru screamed. She screamed loud enough for Taihei to yell back in pain. "UMARU!" Taihei yelled. "Go get some if you want it that badly!" This made Umaru start to cry. "I had a long day of work and I still need to cook dinner so if you want cola, then you will have to go buy it. At least try to be responsible."

Umaru looked even more sad then before. "Fine! Your mean to me! I just want something to quench my undying thirst!" Umaru said and got into her UMR outfit and walked out of the apartment. Now she had to walk all the way to the local convenience store and buy a supply of cola so she wouldn't run out next time.

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