Chapter 3: Friendly Fun Time

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I don't think there was ever a time when I was as worn out as I was. I had to work and my girlfriend and I went out on a LOT of dates. Anyways I'm back. Sorry for the wait. Also I have been working on my English considering I'm not too good in the Englihs department. (Yes I misspelled that on purpose)

"Hang out at the mall?" Umaru asked. "Yeah, we can look at manga and maybe get something from the food court or really what ever you want to do." Akai said. "That sounds fun!" Umaru said. 'It's like he knows everything I like!' Umaru thought. "I'll be right back, just let me get my money." Umaru said as she rushed back into the apartment.

Umaru came out with her money and the two walked off. Her Onii-Chan would be working late today so she didn't have to worry about him getting mad at leaving without telling him. The two got to the mall in no time. They went to the shop where Taihei gets all of her manga from. Umaru looked around and saw some manga that she had already owned a copy of. Then something caught her eye. Someone was returning a limited edition JUMP! The person got their refund and walked away. The restocker took it and put it back on the shelves.

Umaru made a mad dash for it and grabbed it. 'I GOT ONE!' Umaru screamed mentally. "You sure look happy. Hehe." Akai said. "Huh? Oh, do you know what this is?! Someone just returned it and it was put on the shelves! This is the last copy of it! And it's mine now!" Umaru said with glee. "That limited edition sure means a lot to you. It means a lot to me well! I got mine yesterday." Akai said. 'Obviously.' Umaru thought. "Let's look around to see if we can find some more cool manga to look at!" He said.

The two looked around the shop for what seemed like an hour or two. They found some manga that looked cool and read them together. After buying them of course. Umaru wasn't the type to steal. Unless it was her Onii-Chan's credit card. She may have done that to buy a few "Definitive Edition" Triple A games.

 She may have done that to buy a few "Definitive Edition" Triple A games

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(Lol I just looked up 'Definitive Edition' and found this.)

Taihei wasn't very happy with Umaru and never forgot that incident. He screamed at Umaru to return them but it turns out, the store had a no refund policy. He had no choice but to let Umaru keep it because of that. He would have just sold it but no one he knew played games besides Umaru. So much money spent in just that one day...

Reading manga was fun. It gave you a story to follow and good ones at that. What goes great with manga? 'Cola!' Umaru thought in her mind. Umaru was staring at a vending machine that sold some refreshing cola. Umaru pulled out money in an instant and bought the cola to "refill her cola reserves." 'Nice cold cola!' Umaru thought. "You love cola huh?" Umaru turned to see that it was just Akai. "Cola is the best!" Umaru said with glee as she chugged her cola. "This was fun. Thank you for inviting me." Umaru said smiling. "It's no problem, it's what friends are for!" He said. Umaru looked over and saw ice cream. 'Ice cream goes great with cola.' Umaru thought.

"Huh? What are you looking at?" Akai asked. He looked over and saw the shop selling ice cream. "Umaru?" He asked. "Sorry! I spaced out for a minute." Umaru said, embarrassed. "It's okay, you want ice cream don't you?" He asked. "Yes." Umaru answered. "I bought my money so I can pay."
'Where is my money?' Taihei thought to himself. Today was just not the greatest for him. First, he was late. Second, he had to redo his work about three times. He made the same error all three times. Then he finds out that his money was missing. He still has his wallet but there were only coins and a card in there. 'What's this?' Taihei thought as he saw a note in his wallet. The note had said, "Dear my greatest Nii-Chan in the whole wide world, I borrowed some money for some important things." Taihei was beyond furious. "UMARU!" He screamed.

He suddenly realized he was still in his cubicle and everyone had turned to face him. "Sorry everyone, I may have overreacted to something minor." Taihei said as he sat back down in his chair. 'Why?' Taihei thought as he slammed his face into his keyboard in frustration.
"Yup, I earned it myself." Umaru said smiling. Umaru dashed for the ice cream shop and had already pulled out money to pay. "Wow, she's quick." Akai said. "What took you so long?" Umaru asked. "What took you so fast?"
After Umaru had almost thrown money at the cashier in anticipation, her dear friend decided to pay like a gentleman. Turns out she didn't need to "earn" that money. Either way ice cream is the best. Why? Just cuz mate. Who doesn't like ice cream? Ice cream is fun. *RING RING* "Hold on someone is calling." Akai said and then he pulled out his phone and answered. "Hello?"..."Yes."..."Of course."..."Alright bye." He put the phone back in his pocket.

"Hey Umaru." He said. "Huh? What is it?" Umaru responded. "I have to go home and baby sit my little brother." He said. "Already? He were barely here!" Umaru said sadly. "Umaru...we were here for hours." Akai said. "Really? Tine flies when you're having fun." Umaru said. "We'll I'll see you next time Umaru!" Akai said as he ran out of the mall. "Today was fun." Umaru said. "We need to hang out more often." And Umaru walked home. Little did she know that Kirie was watching the whole time.

"I don't understand how she does it. She can get anyone she wants." Kirie said. "Hey ma'am, are you planning on buying those manga?" A cashier said. "I should learn from her..." Kirie said to herself and ran off.

Umaru got home and opened the door. "Umaru! What did you do with my money?!" Taihei asked. He looked at Umaru with a death glare. "Nothing, I didn't use it." Umaru said and handed the money back. 'She didn't even use it? Maybe she's growing up and doesn't need to take money from me.' Taihei thought to himself as he walked into the kitchen to make dinner.
Rejected scene below!
Umaru and Akai ran to the ice cream shop and found the final boss. *epic heavy metal starts playing* The cashier she had known for years was secretly a monster. He stood tall and took off his glasses. "I can't believe I trusted you!" Umaru yelled. Umaru powered up. The cashier started powering up too. An aura flared around them. "You can't stop me! I'm at full power now!" Umaru stood in her place and powered up as well.

Her blonde hair turning gold. "I will defeat you!" Umaru said. "I am no longer a regular customer, I am Super Umaru!" "How cute. You think you can best perfection girl? I already reached my perfect form." The cashier said. "I can't believe I spent money here and didn't know you were a monster!" Umaru yelled. She went in for a punch and knocked back the cashier. The cashier left a crater in the wall from where he had hit.

"I am perfect Cell! How could you do this to me?" The cashier yelled in agony. "You hid your looks behind a pair of glasses and tricked me!" Umaru cupped her hands to the side. "Galick gun!" A beam of pure energy rushed from her hands and hit the cashier. "HOW?!" The cashier asked as the blast hit him. "This is the power of a Super Saiyan!" She yelled.

"WHAT IS GOING ON OUT THERE?!" Everyone powered down as the manager walked in. "I'm sorry sir but, this foolish girl tried to attack me in the workplace!" The cashier said. "No buts, Cell you're fired!" The manager said. "No! Mr. Frieza! Please!" The cashier begged. "Get out of my shop! ALL OF YOU!" Everyone walked out of the shop. "You've ruined me! I've tried to be nice and this is what I get!" The cashier ran away and cried.

Lol this could be it's own story.

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