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"dude, why are you so down about this, you hated the chick" i hear otto say, and geoff agree with.

"guys, i- i messed up. we were friends for 5 years, then i got mad over one small thing and i got out of hand. i don't think i've ever loved a girl more, but i fucked up. she's dead! she didn't get to know how i really felt." my eyes  start to water, i swear, that girl really does things to me.

"whatever awsten, we're going home" geoff states, before leaving with otto. i stare at my wall, lost in my thoughts.

what if there was a way to bring her back? just to hear her voice? she never posts videos of her doing anything with friends, and she doesn't have a YouTube channel. i can't believe i let her go. i need to do something, before i lose my mind over this.

as i finished my thoughts, i head to the witchcraft and dark magic shop in the sketchy side of town.

"one ouija board please."

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