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lunch with brendon and ryan is pretty fun. they feed each other and it's super cute. dan and i used to do that before everything went wrong. i sniffle and force the memory back down into my subconscious, hoping to never think of it again.

i almost forget about awsten for a little while because i'm so wrapped up in my new friends. they're just so cool that i really don't mind their constant pda.

the waitress comes along to take our orders. brendon orders lasagna, ryan orders tacos and french fries and i also order lasagna.

"what would you guys like to drink?" she asks.

i shrug. "just water is fine."

ryan dismisses that. "don't listen to her. could we have two iced teas and one... chef's special for the lady?"

the waitress nods and runs away hastily. i look at ryan, confused, but he just smiles and winks at me.


our drinks and food arrive. brendon and i enjoy our lasagna and ryan eats his food. it's overall a really good vibe. the only thing that confuses me is my drink looks like it's just milk. what kind of a chef's special is milk? at a kid's restaurant, maybe that'd fly, but that's not where we are. we're at a cute little lunch cafe that was always far too expensive for me, but luckily i'm not the one paying today.

anyways i take a few sips of the milk to be polite. ryan eyes me the whole time and i don't know why. it would make me uncomfortable if he wasn't such a cool guy. brendon, however, avoids eye contact, which also weirds me out. he's usually so direct and stares me down, that's just who he is. why is he suddenly so quiet with me?

i'm more than halfway done my drink by now and ryan is looking more and more nervous. what's his problem?

"ryan, are you okay?" i ask, concerned.

he blinks. "yeah, hanna, i'm fine. just keep drinking okay? chef's orders."

i awkwardly continue to sip. the chill conversation we'd had going on earlier has now suddenly died and none of us are talking much anymore. i don't really want to be out for lunch with them anymore.

"uh, hanna?" brendon mumbles, speaking for the first time in nearly ten minutes.

"yeah?" i say.

he throws his fork at me as i'm taking the final sip of my milk and i jump, choking on my mouthful. ryan sighs.

"why like that?" he says exasperatedly.

brendon shrugs. "quickest way. easiest too."

i don't think they understand that i'm actually choking. my throat is closing and i'm flailing my arms trying to get their attention. they're just ignoring me!

i try so hard to breathe but the milk is blocking my windpipe. is this how i go out? a glass of milk and a fork?"

my vision blurs.

apparently so.

a/n: (josh) DUN DUN DUUUUUN


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