Six total men step
Out of vehicles and look
At all the people.
Silent crowd stiffens.
Mothers pull children behind.
I crouch small and peek
Between the legs of
The many adults before
Me, protecting me.
"Who are you?" someone
Asks. The man who replies sounds
Desperate. "There's been
An explosion," he
Informs us. "Four days ago
On the south border."
Eyes widen in the
Crowd. A woman comes running
To embrace a man
Approaching from the
Second vehicle. "Adam!"
She weeps with pure joy.
"You've been gone for six
Seasons!" she will not let go.
The man in front speaks.
"Anyone who can
Run fast, shoot, drive, or has vast
experience, come.
We've lost a lot of
Men lately." Our three brave men
In front, now with guns
down, move to shake his
Hand. "Don't worry," one says, "We
Will leave at sunrise."
War of Cities
PoetryWhat's left of the U.S. after the initial fighting is broken down into large cities. Resources are limited. 11-year-old Sura is caught in the middle of the mess-- there's violence in the streets and her Papa's gone away to fight. Hear about the horr...