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"And all of a sudden I felt really tired. Like the world had drained me for everything that I had."


After I've dried my tears and gotten my shit together, plus the cake being done, I see it's about ten o'clock. Alex decides to text Hobi to see if they're ready for us--well, for her and her "new friend." They're probably not ready for me.

I haven't seen them for over three years. Yoongi and I broke up in April 2014 and now it's September 2017. I just assumed they would always choose Yoongi over me. I never thought they would care if I dropped off the face of the earth. Turns out I might have been wrong. Go figure.

After a couple minutes of the two of us scrambling around to get ready and leave, Hoseok-ah texts Alex back. He says everyone's ready for us and thus commences our travels. 

The walk to their dorms seems to drag on forever. It's been so long that they might not even remember me. And even if they do, I was terrible. I just left without notice. But then again, it shouldn't only be up to me to make plans or ask the others around. They could have asked me to do shit too if they really wanted to. Looks like they didn't want to enough.

Even though the walk drags on, we get there way too soon. On the way to their door, Alex helps me open the cake carrier. She takes the lid off and holds it while I keep holding onto the cake and the bottom. I stand a foot or so to the right of the door and Alex knocks on the door. A few seconds later, the door opens and Alex nods with such speed and such a small movement that if I wasn't paying such close attention I most definitely would have missed it.

On cue, I step forward and basically yell in Hoseok-ah's face, shoving the cake at him, "I'M SORRY I'M SUCH AN IDIOT PLEASE, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" I shut my eyes tightly and brace for his response, slightly bending at my waist. Nothing happens for a solid thirty seconds, so I open one eye before the other and straighten up. The first thing I see is six sets of eyes staring at me in the doorway.

"J-Jaehwa?" It comes from the back and my eyes snap toward Seokjin's voice. I give a small nod and hold the cake out again. Seokjin steps forward and takes the cake from my hands and starts to take it back to the kitchen. The minute he walks away, I'm swarmed by the other five boys, each trying to hug me.


All my old nicknames fly at me all at once before I'm swallowed by five guys. See, the problem here is that I am barely five feet tall. These boys are eight, nine, ten, eleven inches taller than me and they're all trying to hug me at once.

All of them being so close to me starts to feel suffocating and I start to panic a little bit. They don't know about my... problem... and I'm afraid hugging me is going to give it away. My breathing starts to become labored and my heart rate starts to increase. So I do the only rational thing I can.

I crouch down and waddle out from between them and walk a couple feet away.

"We missed you so much, Noona," Jungkook says, everyone pulling away from each other.

"Gwiyeomdungi, why didn't you call us?" Jimin pouts and I give him a sad smile before looking at my feet. I swing my right foot around and bite my lower lip a little bit before answering.

"Ahh." I hesitate before telling them. The truth? I thought they wouldn't want to be around me because I didn't even want to be around myself. "I guess I was just busy." Lie. "I missed you guys so much though." Truth.

"Sulley!" Hoseok exclaims, looking at Alex on my right. "Why didn't you drag her here before?!"


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