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She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wan't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful deep down to her soul.
--F. Scott Fitzgerald

Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite...


I blink my eyes a few times upon waking. I roll over, now facing away from the window and see my two year old daughter, Aecha. 

Her sleeping face is angelic. She has amazingly pale skin, large, crescent moon eyes taking over the upper part of her face. Her little button nose all dotted with freckles the middle, and her small mouth taking up the bottom. Her cheeks are only slightly chubby, but she hasn't lost her baby weight yet. She doesn't need to; she's the most beautiful two year old I have ever seen. I don't say that because she's my daughter. I say that because she is genuinely happy all the time and always has a smile on her face.

I slowly push the blankets off my legs and stand, pulling them back into place after. I close the curtains and leave my bedroom, walking downstairs and finding my twin boys, Junghwa and Youngjae, watching some cartoon. I walk by them and into the kitchen where I see my husband making breakfast. 

I walk up to him and hug him from behind, glancing at what he's making.

"Whatcha making?" I ask as our children usually would. 

I can almost hear the smile on his face when he says, "Pancakes. I just can't seem to get the batter right."

I move next to him and watch what he's doing, catching his mistake almost instantly.

"You don't have enough flour, Yeobo," I explain, adding just the right amount of flour and mixing it into the rest of the batter he has prepared. 

I look up after finishing and see him looking at me with affection. 

"Thank you, Princess," he says with a smile plastered to his face. He gives me a quick kiss on my forehead and continues cooking. I walk out to the living room and sit down between my boys on the couch. 

They aren't identical twins. One looks much more like me and the other looks much more like their father. Junghwa looks the most like me.

Junghwa has light skin, but he tans easily and he's never as light as the rest of the family. He has almond shaped, baby blue eyes and deep dimples. The dimples are definitely a trait that I don't have, but my mother has them. He's quite small, but he'll get to be taller eventually. He's the one that asks every day when he's going to grow and if we can measure his height again because "I think I grew again!"

Youngjae has milky skin and eyes that are resemblant of a natural cat-eye look. He has mono-lids while Junghwa has two lids. Youngjae has the very same espresso eyes of his father and the same build. He's tall for his age, but not by too much. He always makes fun of Junghwa for his height, but he doesn't understand that one day he is going to stop growing and Junghwa will grow taller than he.

Their personalities are fairly opposite. Junghwa is more like his father and Youngjae is more like me. It scares me sometimes, considering how I am, but I hope he turns out fine.

After a few minutes, Aecha comes out of my bedroom and walks out to the living room. She rubs her eyes when she reaches the room, looking over to me as if asking if she can sit with me. I move to invite her over and she runs up, jumping in my arms. She holds onto me, closing her eyes and resting her head on my shoulder. 

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